Hello! I need some help.

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Hello! I need some help.
Post # 1
Hi, so i’m a teen who’s always believed in magick. Yesterday i was feeling happy and i felt a cold windy sensation in my hands and there was a small piece of paper next to me. Jokingly I thrusted my hand at the paper, and it moved a lot without me touching it. It was like I was transferring energy to make it move… like i learned about energy transfer in science. I still can do it, and today I made the paper fall off my bed. Magick is also forbidden in my family, any tips?
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Re: Hello! I need some help.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: Hello! I need some help.
Post # 3

As disappointing as this is going to be to hear, magic doesn't cause things to move on the physical plane. The energy magic uses isn't the same sort of energy you learned about in science, so transferring magical energy to something won't make it move.

Here's what's likely happening though. When you thrust out your hand, it creates an air current. The harder and faster you move your hand, the stronger the air current. A small piece of paper doesn't require a lot of force to move, so my guess is that thrusting out your hand simply created an air current that was strong enough to move it. You did indeed transfer energy to the paper, but it was normal physics and not magic at all.
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