Help Brainstorming

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Help Brainstorming
By: / Novice
Post # 1
Hi everyone ^_^

So, I'm working on a series of witchcraft guides and I'm curious what people wish to learn about. I already have some ideas like "the basics" and definitions and stuff, but I don't want to spend 50 pages detailing meditation when most people are into, say crystals [yes, different books in the series, this is just an example] If anyone could help me with a list of questions or topics they wish they knew when they started, it would mean a lot.

Thank you so much in advance for any responses.
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Re: Help Brainstorming
Post # 2

The basics of meditation can be easily be explained in the Bhagavad Gita. Benefits from meditation can be found on a good site Alan Watts has a better explanation on YouTube.

Grounding should be another to learn about. Explaining different ways and benefits.

Cleansing in simple ways where others don't have money to do things. Visualization and a simple cleansing with water.

Raising energy would be another good for others to learn more about.

Candle Gazing is a good way for focusing and other good benefits.

Certain crystals and stones that help protect against EMF and aid on Grounding like Black Tourmaline and Black Kyanite. Especially protect against unconscious psychic vampires.

Hope some of this helps to get more ideas of what you need help with to expand on what guides you need.

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