Have I been cursed???

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Have I been cursed???
Post # 1
Hello and salutations my friends!

I wanted to ask on this forum if I had been cursed by someone, I’ve been in a car accident twice in a month last month even though I’m really good at driving (driving merit was 17+) unfortunately I met some problems along driving

And not only that but I suddenly owe more money then I had used too, I just wanted to pay off whatever I can(property tax and tax in general*) it’s been a crazy year for me already.

I just wanted to know, since this literally never had happened to me, is it the universe or someone out to get me?

Peace and clarity

From: Sabrina101
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Re: Have I been cursed???
Post # 2
If you're born on March 18 and being a Pisces, right now Saturn is in Pisces might have something to do with it.
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Re: Have I been cursed???
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Life has highs and lows. Sometimes a lot of bad things happen at once [as xSaturnianx mentioned, your astrological chart could explain why] Yes, misfortune is a sign of a curse, but how you feel can also determine a curse. Normally, when one has been cursed, you'll feel like you have a cold coming on, but you never get sick. You'll fear paranoid and on edge. [when I was cursed, it felt like someone threw a blanket soaking in ice water on my back] This could also result from negative energy building up in your home and aura. We go out, we meet people, some are in bad moods, and that negative encounter rubs off on us. Over time, this build can affect you like a curse, but it's not a curse, just too much negativity in your space.

I'd suggest a heavy-duty cleanse and protection. [yourself, your home and your car] There are several types of spells you can try [let me know if you would like some examples] cleanse your space first, then cast a protection [otherwise it'll just trap the negative energy. Oh, and open your windows when you cleanse, otherwise you're just moving the gunk from one area to another and not getting rid of it] Once this is complete, it would do daily grounding and shielding as well as a combination cleanse and clean to stop the energy from building [you can visualize negative energy being washed away when you clean or have a shower and say a chant. In the shower, I use "stress and strain, go down the drain" and when cleaning, I use "may negative energy leave this space, and positive energy take its place"]

If after all of that, you still feel something's off, reflect on who might have cursed you, then do a cord cutting and direct your spells on them [not to take revenge, but to block them. Though, you could do a return to sender]
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Re: Have I been cursed???
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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