Tell me your spells!

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Re: Tell me your spells!
Post # 2

I believe it is better to have a specific goal in mind. Why not start with what it is you are wanting to accomplish?

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Re: Tell me your spells!
Post # 3
I have no specific goal for a spell for the most part. As long as it requires no other items than just myself and maybe paper pencil.
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Re: Tell me your spells!
Post # 4
I also posted this so I can get legitimate spells. When I search spells some of them don’t look very valid like for example “how to summon slender man “ So I want to see spells from people in the community who have done them before and know they work.
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Re: Tell me your spells!
By: / Novice
Post # 5
When one is learning math, they do not begin by having teachers show a list of relativistic formulas, venn diagrams, and calculations to the theoretical positions of electrons within the space of probability around a helium atom. They might be cool to look at, but are nothing more than complicated pictures without an understanding of how they built. And even basic tools have little meaning without something practical to associate it with.

What I am getting at, is start at the beginning. Learn the 1+1 = 2 before you try to make use of integers and algebra. Learn the 'bedmas' before you reach for the Euler's identity.

In the case of magic, this means exploring what the process comes from. Philosophy, energy, will, symbolism, numerology, etc. And as you come to understand the 'building blocks' of magic, you will be able to look on spells and understand how they are made and where they come from. Or, you will be able to build your own and have them be personally meaningful and so more potent.

Magic is not the invoking of eldritch powers to make the landscape but putty to your hands. It is understanding the interactions of time, soil, and water so it takes but a single cast pebble to begin a landslide.
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Re: Tell me your spells!
Post # 6
So I will have to be more specific with the spell that I want?
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Re: Tell me your spells!
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Apologies for the double-post but it seems some more conversation happened while I was "Hmm-ing" and "Huuuh-ing" in thought as I typed away on the last one.

Given your reasoning, I am willing to share a working that I have done. Should be easy for me as I have only a handful to choose from. I don't often work formal magic. (This'll be a long one, as I am going to share it as I experienced it)

The situation;

It came to light with my family that my brother had been being followed by a negative entity- I am sure it was some form of demonic as it had no human quality or feel to it at all. That night, instead of keeping silent when it came to attack him, my brother came and got me for help. (The rest of the house was asleep). At this time I was just beginning my magical/spiritual path and only knew of one chant. From one book.

I went to my brother's room, and had an intense desire to fight and protect. But I had no experience on banishing or cleansing. All I knew was a basic bit on energy-working and healing, a chant I just knew of as a 'spell of making', and a firm desire to stop this entity from being able to attack, pull away energy, or cause harm.

The spell;

I began with physically standing myself in a position between where we felt the entity to be and my brother. I firmly saw myself as being a physical and spiritual barrier blocking it from my brother. A literal wall that I refused to let it get past. (Oh -no- you don't, that's my brother.)

Firm desire in mind, I raised my arms and visualized positive, healing energy filling my body and extending into a wall of light in either direction. While doing so I said the following chant three times with as confident and commanding a voice as I could muster; **

" A elfyntodd dwyr synddin duw, certified yr fferllurig nwyn. Os syriaeth ech saffaer tu, fewr echlyn more, necrombor llun."

Or, to spell it more phoenetically; "Ah elf-in-todd deer sin-din dew, care-ig oo-ur fair-loo-rig noon. Oh's seer-ee-ith ek sa-fair too, fair ek-len more, ne-krom-bore loon."

The aftermath;

After about twenty-ish minutes of this, the entity was gone. And, according to my brother, gone in a complete way and not coming back. The air went from cold and oppressive, causing chills and 'the shakes' to being warm and peaceful as if we were suddenly wrapped up in a comfortable blanket. The entity being driven away was most assuredly not achieved by myself. That was never my goal. But my brother did inform me that while I was physically between himself and the entity , he had no sensations of fear or oppression. I was completely cutting it off, and it could not get past or around me to affect him.

** One thing to note, the chant I learned was from 'the 21 lessons of Merlin'. It has popped up here and there in other places... but I later learned it is entirely gibberish. At least in the form it is presented. The Welsh translations have some words that seem to fit, but most are odd and random. It is a rhyming bit of meaninglessness. At the time, however, that worked in my favor as I had a solidly (and intensely) formed intent and a set of words I could recite to create an emotional connection between desire and manifestation of that desire. The real power behind that particular working was from three things:

Having a firmly set and specific goal. (nothing gets past me to hurt my brother)

Attention and visualization focused on that goal. (Connecting high-vibration energy, gathering it within myself, and making a wall)

Being mentally and emotionally focused on the certainty of my goal as if it was an established fact. (Nothing gets past me.)
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Re: Tell me your spells!
Post # 8
So you made a defense spells, that’s pretty cool. I see that it has a lot depending on stance, words and focus. So my other question for this spell how do you detect an evil entity?
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Re: Tell me your spells!
Post # 9

Just a reminder of the rules: Only English is allowed on Spells of Magic, even where chants are concerned. Most of us don't speak Welsh, and since what was posted does not parse in Google Translate even, there's no way to know what it even means.

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Re: Tell me your spells!
By: / Novice
Post # 10
To Prsona; that is why I included a phoenetic breakdown, and explanation- including that it was basically gibberish when translation attempts were made. I was also sharing what I did and how. Leaving out the chant I used and when, as a part of the working I did, wouldn't make sense.

I also did not realize the English requirement also extends to spell-work and chants as the use of other languages like Latin and old germanic is not uncommon in magic in general. And practices like Vodou (among others) are not based in the English world and would require use of the language native to the belief system to remain valid within the tradition. I'll be more conscious of that next time.

As for how one can be aware of the presence of negativity and malicious beings, it is a little different for every individual. But, generally, the first step is learning to follow your instincts and to listen to your body. When in the presence of a negative entity it tends to make a person feel cold, and even shimmery, like the heat has been sucked out of your body. Or as if your muscles were quaking from a surge of adrenaline. It is like having that weak/spent, jittery feeling after a really tense or stressful moment. Emotionally you can feel a sense of anxiety (when there shouldn't be any). Or a sense of inexplicable anger or other intense, unpleasant emotion.

During the event with my brother, I held out my arm straight forward at shoulder height. I then slowly turned in a circle. When my arm was towards there the entity was, it would suddenly feel heavier, or as of it took more effort to hold my arm up. Then as I continued to turn it would return to normal. So I would turn back and it would get heavy again. I suppose it was essentially using my body as a dowsing rod. It worked for me at the time when I wanted to make sure I was remaining between it and my brother.

And yes, I do believe you are correct on your assumptions. ... At least I came to the same conclusions later on in life as I have mulled over the event after learning more about magic and energy-working. One of my favorite sayings is "action follows thought". Determined will, operating from a mental state of authority, and being able to connect the ideas (symbols) of action to outcome.

There are certain ideas that people consider to be 'keys' to the occult. For example sound; as it is the transmission of the immaterial (thought) into the material (voice). Stillness; as one can not hear their surroundings if they are drowning it out with their own noise. Authority; Acting in a definitive way. Being decisive, tenacious, and confident to see your task through to completion. And so on.
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Re: Tell me your spells!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11

Castings can be as simple as creating a symbol, sign or sigil on anything, including the air in a specific direction. When casting a circle with the mind or one's finger we create an energetic stream, beam, or wave that carries out thoughts, desires, and energy. By drawing, painting, or creating a sign, symbol, or sigil for protection we cast the energy through these actions that we want to manifest in the universe. The mediumused to create these works of art or craftsmanshipin many cases can have an effect on the outcome of one's casting. Tools and ingredients for the craft carry their own energy and this is why some use specific types of paper/parchment, ink, paint, stones, metals, feathers, string, etc. Keep in mind that while staring out simple signs, symbols, seals, are easier and the more complex ones may take more time and study to understand and use correctly. This is why study and research are very important in one's advancement in the craft.

Many Blessing to you,


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