Question: Chaos Magick

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Question: Chaos Magick
By: / Beginner
Post # 1

I would like to implement chaos magic into my magical practices andlearn the ability to reach Gnosis. How does one know they are experiencing Gnosis if one hasn't felt it before?Gnosis is basically an altered state of consciousness. I am unsure how that would feel. If anybody can answer my question that would be awesome. Thank you for reading!

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Re: Question: Chaos Magick
Post # 2

Have you read "The Psychonaut Field Manual FOURTH PDF EDITION"? It's an excellent source for information on Chaos Magick. I know there is a pdf version out there you can read off of the internet for free. There's even an exercise in there related to Gnosis. I know this isn't a direct answer to your question, but you might find the answer to this and future questions in this pdf. Best of luck on your journey!

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