Elemental magic

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Elemental magic
Post # 1
Hi I’ve been here for a bit and I was curious about the topic of elemental magic, specifically water… I’m new to elemental magic and if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated. I don’t trust some of the spells that people post and I would much rather hear your input! If you have any advice let me know!
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Re: Elemental magic
Post # 2

What is your idea of elemental magic? That may be a good place to start.

The use of the four Alchemical elements in magic is more about their associated qualities than much of anything else. Yes, the actual "element" and other things which also correspond to the same may be used in someone's workings, but they are representative of the qualities of that element.

That is in strict contrast to the idea that elemental magic is some kind of -kinesis and physical control over some substance.

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Re: Elemental magic
Post # 3
I’m not 100% sure, which is why I decided to ask here. I’m a person who loves to learn and always tries new things, including astral projections and I’m curious about elemental magic. I’ve always felt connected to water and I’m Scorpio soooo….
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Re: Elemental magic
Post # 4
If I want to learn about elemental magic then I want to start with water
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Re: Elemental magic
Post # 5
I don’t trust those silly spells but I trust people like you
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Re: Elemental magic
Post # 6

Actions that utilize water in magic that may resonate with you are,

Making or using blessing or holy water within practice.

Making moon water.

Spiritual bathing, showers.

Water can be used multiple ways and gives us a better appreciation of it and its properties.

Being mindful while drinking water can be great. Brewing teas and other liquid potions too may interest you. I became especially fond of water when using it in a handmade perfume.

One way to honor water is to sprinkle fresh or dried flowers near streams, brooks, rivers, swamps, or the sea. Doing this with healing thoughts in mind for the body of water one is blessing in this way can be wonderful.

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Re: Elemental magic
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Elemental magic
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
The basis for elemental magic is its energy. Each element has various meanings that can be aligned with emotions you're using in your magic spell For example, an emotion of fire is passion Some of the properties often used in elemental magic are:
Fire: Passion, purification, aggression, heat, and courage
Earth: Wealth, metal, grounding, strength, sensuality, and attraction (magnetism)
Water: Foresight, hidden things, emotions, intuition, persistent, healing, and cleansing
Air: Communication, intellect, dreams, illusion, music, and evasion
An elemental witch will often select one element to learn and master. Once mastered, the elemental witch will move to the next element. Mastering an element isn't always a fast process and some elemental witches are content to stay with one element. The choice yours to make as a magic practitioner. There are many ways an elemental witch can connect with her/his chosen element.
Water Elemental Witch
Many water elemental witches live near bodies of water so they have a constant connection to their element. A pool, lake, ocean, or pond is an excellent place for an elemental witch to take a swim. You can also soak in a tub of water filled with your favorite bath salts and essential herbs. You can dance in a rain shower and perform your magic enjoying the cool rain on a warm summer day. Before you cast a spell, drink a glass of cool spring water to bond with your elemental magic.
Best Of Luck
Blessed Be
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Re: Elemental magic
By: / Novice
Post # 9
As mentioned, each element has its own strengths both for energy and for symbolism [fire is passion and can add energy so a spell manifests quickly, while earth is stability and can help you grow a strong goal]

Water is soothing and flows. It's emotions and brings change. Water spells are things that utilize liquid [any by extent frozen versions] teas are an easy potion. Research the magickal properties of herbal teas and make a cup. A simple one is to make a mint tea and as it steeps, cup your hands around the cup and infuse it with energy, visualizing good fortune [be it money, good grades, finding a lost object, whatever you consider good fortune] when ready, sip it mindfully while imagining all the good fortune that would come into your life. Boom! Quick and easy spell. You could also have a bath with herbs, salt, or crystals [make sure they're safe] and as you relax in the tub, visualize your intention. Even simpler, you could either use food colouring or write a wish on some paper, place a glass of water on top of the wish, charge it with energy, then drink it while visualizing the goal.

You can also use running water to dispose of spells. Trowing the remanence of a spell into running water will take it away from you [so, a cleansing, banishing, or removal of a bad habit] some modern witches will write the habit, person, or situation on a piece of paper and flush it down the toilet as a symbolic way of saying you're done with the person/situations... uh... waste...

Collecting water is another way to collect the energy. Stormwater has fury behind it and can be used for more intense spells. Rainwater can cleanse. Placing a bowl of water in the sun or moon can create solar and lunar water. Solar has strength and protective qualities while lunar has divination and cleansing.
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