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Post # 1
I was doing a self love/weight loss/money gain spell outside and a grasshopper hit me mid spell and then just sat there and watched me. Is that good/bad, should I be worried?
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Re: Question/Advice
By: / Novice
Post # 2

It's probably just a coincidence to be honest. Insects sit still for a while.

Also, that's a lot of things wrapped up in one spell. Was it a candle spell? Spell jar?

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Re: Question/Advice
Post # 3
It was both. A candle on top of a spell jar.

The whole insect thing was weird though. I got this feeling that I HAD to do a spell tonight so I did and when I went outside to light the candles, I kept feeling like I should hurry up and go back inside and that's when the bug hit me.
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Re: Question/Advice
By: / Novice
Post # 4

It seems like you were just anxious; I often got paranoid about how long my spells were taking during my first few (especially if my parents were home).

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Re: Question/Advice
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
I agree with the post above it could have just been a coincidence and more if it just happened one time but then if it keeps repeating again and again and only when spellcasting I would look into it but for now I would not be to worried and realizing when spellcasting should help
Hope this helps
Blessed Be
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Re: Question/Advice
Post # 6
It was a cat this time. We have a bunch in the neighborhood but they're really skittish and run the moment they see you. The cat watched me the entire time.
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Re: Question/Advice
By: / Novice
Post # 7

Cats are curious creatures; if you were sitting and not walking towards it, it probably was just curious about you.

Animals watching you do spellwork isn't a sign; I'm not sure what it would even be a sign of. Any entity (like an ancestor, animal guide, or a deity) would be more specific, so multiple animal species doesn't really correlate to one entity (especially since grasshoppers aren't really associated with anyone as far as I can recall).

Also, do be aware sitting outside means you will be near animals. On any given day if I walk outside, I might see some bees, spiders, grasshoppers, rabbits, multiple birds, maybe even a deer. Animals live outside, and they can be curious about humans.

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Re: Question/Advice
Post # 8

Seeing a single grasshoper in the course of spellwork isn't a sign in general unless you have a very real solid connection to them. This from what you've written sounds as if a grasshoper just happened to bump into you. The watching you may have been the insect trying to recover from this.

If you are interested in looking to see how your spell outcome may turn out I suggest divination in regards to it.

A number of divinatory means can be used to further inform you of a spells possible outcome including runes, tarot, and capnomacy or candle flame reading.

There are articles here on the site about different divination methods you may find helpful.

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Re: Question/Advice
By: / Beginner
Post # 9

It doesn't sound like a sign to me either. Particularly if you have no real association or connection to either of these animals.

If you really can't stop thinking about it, you could try simply meditating and concentrating on grasshoppers or cats too, as an attempt to try and decipher what you do feel about the and what each would mean to you specifically. Often times, when an animal or some part of nature enters a ritual unexpectedly, if there is a meaning, it is dependent onthe spellcaster's perception of the event.

So for example, when I think of grasshoppers, I actually think of a sort of serene environment, but also naivety. Youth and just entering a world without fully knowing its darkness yet.(This is probably due to watching a lot of the show Kung Fu when I was younger). But if a grasshopper were to enter an area where I was casting a spell and I felt it was a message, I might take it as looking for outside influences of a similar nature, in this case perhaps a child.

But that is based on what I think of when I think of grasshoppers. So for you, this would be based on what you think of.

Again, it could very easily mean nothing too. As was stated above, animals tend to be curious about humans, particularly one that is sitting or standing still. So watching you may simply be a way to try and see if you are a threat to them or not.

Best of luck to you.

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Re: Question/Advice
Post # 10
Hi. I wouldn't go into deep superstitions, it could be a sign or not. Nothing happens by coincidence in the Universe we live in, so I'd recommend looking for the meaning of the grasshopper hitting you midspell. It could be a life changing situation. In 2019, I made a quick green candle money spell and the candle burned in 5 minutes. A solid, big, fat green candle. I did the spell, went downstairs and when I went up, boom. The candle was burned and the wax was spilled all over my altar. It was a success. What I'm trying to say here, is that nothing happens by coincidence. That grasshopper could be trying to warn you of something, or, it could be nothing. If I could be of help, I would be glad.

All good to your side, blessings.
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