I need some spell advice

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I need some spell advice
Post # 1
Lately one of my friends, let's call her T, has been bothering my close friend S, whom she has a huge and very obvious crush on. She has been badgering his (S's) mother to live with them, and it's so obvious why (and it's kind of creepy--- T is 19 and S only just turned 17). S's mother is a person who is generous to a fault, and there are already 7 people (S's brothers & sisters) living in their house. S's mom doesn't need that kind of person in the already crowded home, when the family is struggling to make ends meet. Not to mention, she only wants to live in his home to get close to him. It's just very embarrassing for S, who is very uncomfortable when T tries to make advances. Also, T introduced my friend group to drugs and I'm worried about them. BUT--- to the point: What spell should I use to prevent T from pestering my friend and his family? Should I use a banishing spell, or a binding spell? Or is there another option entirely? I've been looking for a spell and even trying to create one, but I just don't yet know the best way to approach this and I would like some guidance. Thank you, sincerely.
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Re: I need some spell advice
Post # 2
Some lessons are best learned through hardship. Shes 17; most people aren't making all the best decisions at that age. Perhaps the kindness of S's mother can cushion the blow well enough so a lesson is learned, but is not entirely devastating.
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Re: I need some spell advice
Post # 3
She's 19 actually, my friend S is 17. It's just annoying because T is corrupting legal children (our friend group is mostly 16 & 17 year olds) while having been a legal adult for 2 years. it's just... icky.
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Re: I need some spell advice
Post # 4
You may want to contact if a adult is doing such to a child in my advice. Or you can try a banishing spell.
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Re: I need some spell advice
Post # 5
Yeah, somehow it's "icky" for a 17 year old to like a 19 year old because of the number. But kids get crushes on each other with a bit of age difference all the time. When the ages are 19 and 21, or even 18 and 20, it's somehow no big deal any more. It's not like they're getting together at that point with a five or more year age gap. Being so close in age, and so close to legal adulthood for the younger of them, the issue becomes more about the behavior than anything else in my opinion.

When people take advantage of others, there are more lessons to learn than just for the one taking advantage. The one needs to learn not to do so, and a fall with a cushion may be a better lesson than a hard fall, and no fall at all doesn't teach anything. For the person so vulnerable to being taken advantage of, there are also lessons to be learned. It's why some people have a better idea of the kind of people they're interested in: They've been hurt or they've done some hurting themselves. So, I do want the best for both sides of the situation, but I also understand that sometimes bad decisions are resolved with difficult lessons to learn.

I say let it play out, and perhaps focus efforts on making sure the one who bears the cost with kindness (S's mom in this case) comes out of being in the middle of things without bearing much damage from it.
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Re: I need some spell advice
Post # 6
There are 2 things you need most when doing spells; patience and intent. As long as you perform a ritual with your intent in mind, it's bound to work. It's also important to be patient because spells don't work right away. It could take several days for the expected results to happen.
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