Honey jar lid burned down

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Honey jar lid burned down
Post # 1
Hi, I couldn't find a thread about this, so I apologize if there are any.
I made my relationship honey jar week ago, and I've been working with it almost every day. Yesterday I used a tea candle incased in plastic, and left it to burn down. When I came back, it not only burned down completely including plastic it was incased in, but burned down a lid of the honey jar. The wax "seal" that was on the lid is burned out too (wax drops on the glass still there though), and the lid leftovers dropped down on honey.
1. Is this good/bad sign or is it just me being careless?
2. What should I do now? I get the lid leftovers out from the jar. Should I just close the jar with a new lid, or pour the entire content of the jar to a new one, or should I make a brand new honey jar? If I need to make a new one, can I take out the person's hair from the old jar? Because I only have one of this.
Thank you for a help.
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Re: Honey jar lid burned down
Post # 2

You should never, and I emphasize ever, leave a candle unattended -- especially if its container is flammable (as plastic can be, and at least very melt-prone), and moreso when it it atop a surface which is literally fuel. By fuel, I mean wax. You're lucky it didn't burst the jar and flood honey, at the best, or spill molten wax across whatever surface to subsequently ignite.

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Re: Honey jar lid burned down
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

If it were me, I would start over with a new jar and fresh honey rather than work with something that has been contaminated by the materials of the tea candle and the lid. Start your new jar from the beginning and put all fresh materials and energies into it.

As has been said, never leave a candle unattended. You were lucky that the room didn't catch fire as well. I'm not certain what the purpose of the candle was other than possibly as a way to add more energy to the jar. But you don't need a candle to do that. Instead of using a candle to do an energy boost try this method.

  • Hold the jar in both hands
  • Draw up energy through your feet from the earth below.
  • Push that energy through you hands and into the jar while seeing in your mind the purpose for which you designed the jar.
  • Stop pushing the energy first, then stop pulling it up from the earth.

I think you'll find this method works just fine and keeps the goal of the jar work clear to the Universe.

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Re: Honey jar lid burned down
Post # 4
Thank you! I'll try this method and be more careful.
But how to dispose of the old honey jar properly? And can I at least take person's hair out of it? Because it is impossible for me to get another one. :(
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Re: Honey jar lid burned down
Post # 5

If you really want to keep using that person's hair, then feel free to get your hands dirty. But it's not a necessity; much more can be used to represent the person you're targeting for sweetening.

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Re: Honey jar lid burned down
Post # 6

Honestly I don't entirely blame you for wanting to reuse the hair, especially if it took a lot to acquire it.

Regards a good or bad sign it is neither. It is not relatively related to the spell outcome. It is like when you have a candle in a jar form such as a seven day and the jar explodes. The first couple times this happened to me with a novena candle I was able to determine the cause. You know what it was? My novena saint candles were placed on a table top relatively lower to the ground, which I had positioned right next to a baseboard heater. The jars exploded on multiple occasions, because they were overwhelmed by the heatcoming out of the radiaters.

In other words the burning and melting of the plastic was due to your own neglect. First by opting to use plastic to hold a candle, any candle, please do not do this; and second by leaving it unattended and unmatched. Left to burn without supervision.

A tealight candle often comes surrounded by an aluminum like base. Keep this base on it when you burn it. Do not remove the candle from the aluminum base unless you intend to carve the candle, or place something hopefully safe under it such as a small petition paper or sigil paper. Ventilate the space while you burn it especially if you are burning petitions, herbs, or anything else which creates more smoke.

A tealight candle when left within the metallic base, on top of the honey jar, should burn fine just as long as you watch it.

I have never had a problem burning a tealight within its aluminum casing.

Lark in hoodoo like practices a candle is often used a top a jar to add extra energy as you said. And as you said this is most certainly not the only method to do this. I often visualize energy or hold or shake a jar when working with them.

Also. A jar for a sweetening spell is not necessary even if you practice folk based magic. I recently wrote and cast a successful sweetening spell by simply dressing a tealight candle with a small bit of natural raw honey and burning it in a tealight holder meant for this type of candle. No fire. No melting, no plastic. No need as well for a jar spell that needs more upkeeping or energy.

I utilize sweetening simple candle spells quite often with much success. More so I feel than I could with a jar.

In a honey jar a taglock such as hair, nails, or saliva is not necessary . In fact as I am sure you've found, it can be incredibly difficult and time consuming to obtain these things.

For further reference and help, a name paper with the individual's name in the jar can work. Simply visualizing the individual themself can work and is the simplest taglock there is. The mental taglock. Focus on their name, or a chant to connect the jar to them can work, and can be helpful for those with trouble visualizing.

I wish you luck with your spell.

In future try to keep flammable materials away from your candles and keep a good eye on them.

Never encase the candle in plastic or use a plastic base or holder to hold it. In general candle holders are not made of plastic material. There are reasons for this. Aside from melting plastic when heated can leak other materials it is made from, including cancer related agents.

Never burn a candle by or near camphor or plastics made from camphor such as celluloid. Camphor can be incredibly flammable and unstable.

Always use a fire safe holder, plate, or surface.

A ceramic plate or holder is a great option as long as it is ceramic and fire safe.

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Re: Honey jar lid burned down
Post # 7

RomanRuin, in some defense, I've seen tea lights in plastic bases fairly often. I don't get why a manufacturer would do it, but it's more often with scented or just colored candles than with regular tea lights. Bt some are poured into plastic rather than a metallic base.

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Re: Honey jar lid burned down
Post # 8

Odd. I've never seen this. 0_0

I have trouble understanding why anyone would use a plastic base.

Locally where I have purchased tealights they always come packaged in little aluminum tins.

No offense meant Julie. I am glad you are safe.

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Re: Honey jar lid burned down
Post # 9
I think I learned my lesson, and never again will I buy a tealight candle in plastic base or leave burning candles unattended.
Thank you for your replies! I will try spells without using a jar or hair.
Can I just throw the old jar away or it needs to be buried?
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Re: Honey jar lid burned down
Post # 10

I think it will be fine if it is simply thrown out.

You can still use hair and physical taglocks if you want. There are other methods yes, but it is your personal practice. If it works for you is what matters.

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