Potential Spirit attacks

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Potential Spirit attacks
Post # 1
Hello, I recently encountered a spirit. I asked it if it was good or evil and it replied with 'I take opportunities when I see them' I don't know what to do and it's scaring me, it kept on getting really close to me and Im scared it's going to hurt me. What should I do?
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Re: Potential Spirit attacks
Post # 2
Use any protection you have, maybe wards or a circle each night when you sleep. This might sound crazy, but ask it "What opportunity does it see in your domain?", remember you are in control. Someone with more knowledge would answer you soon.
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Re: Potential Spirit attacks
Post # 3

If this spirit is making you uncomfortable you should definitely trust your gut and protect yourself from it.

There's four things I do when I have an unwanted spirit in my space:

1. I use charms. I make/charge a bottle with black salt and red brick dust, both I've found in my experience help with banishing and protecting my space, I have one right by my window, another thing I will do is fill a bag with rosemary and pin it on my door. You can choose whatever feels right for you but these are just what I like.

2. I will take something that can symbolize the spirit in a way, and either burn it or take it out and burry it. If you do this just make sure that what you burn is safe to burn and is done carefully, or if you burry something make sure it is bio-degradable.

3. I will light a candle and meditate, what I usually do is focus on my own energy and make sure that it fills my space and pushes any other energies out that are unwanted, this helps me claim that it is mine and that nothing can enter without me letting it.

4. The last thing I do is wear hematite, I know some people don't like to use crystals and I respect that it might not be in someones price range, or they might not find it to be ethical, but I use hematite beads and wear them on my body to help ground myself and protect my energy and space. It helps if your stones are dedicated to this specific purpose in my opinion.

Hopefully this helps! I'm not one for spells but I'm sure if you look into different ways of protection you could definitely come up with one of your own. This is your space and your energy, and while spirits can be powerful, I believe that ultimately you have the power and can raise your vibration so that spirits with lower vibrations can not hurt you. Wishing you luck!

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Re: Potential Spirit attacks
Post # 4

Having some protections in place is a great start.

I tend to keep protection spells in my space- multiples, to take the brunt of negative energy thrown my way. Like the previous poster I keep hematite around. Stones are not your only option as they can be expensive. You can even if you like keep a plain stone you find which is dark in color around. Black or dark stones are often related to properties of protection, grounding. But there is no rule is has to be a semi precious stone.

As well as protections you may want to cleanse and clear your space. You can cleanse by burning an herb used for this if you don't mind smoke. Herbs such as sage, rosemary, pine and nettle work well.

If smoke it not an option you can use a cleansing spray. You can make one fairly easily. An example would be to brew your herb of choice, say rosemary, in a cup of bottled or filtered water in the microwave as if you were warming some tea. Microwave it about 3 minutes and transfer it to a spray bottle for a quick cleansing spray. Use the spray within your space while focusing on your intent.

If after these things you still feel afraid consider banishment or perhaps enlisting the help of another if you can.

I believe you can and will make it through this.

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