Question about dreams

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Question about dreams
Post # 1
So, For the past few months manly this month in December, my dreams idk if there trying to tell me something. Or like if some spirit or something wants my attention.

So, I remember having something to relate to solomon, Angels and demons in my dreams. There for to me having huge angel wings and can float around. I remember seeing keys before. There was 9. so i did research to those they looked like some of those little sigils solomon has on his seals. on the top of the keys.

Then I remember in the active world not dream world I've been more delusional then ever. Seeing things that are not there. But besides the point. I even remember seeing weird Greek kind of like text on walls in the kingdom I was in.. in this dream..

it was white and gold. manly white. and empty too. I remember being teleported to a throne room with me and 8 others. don't know what they looked like... well I kind of did. but I don't recognized them. then there was this god like creature in the middle of the throne room telling us are um parts??

I don't really remember what the creature said other then I was the 8th.. and I think. but i do remember having them give me some sort of fire like bird creature...

and im still trying to find out what they ment by number 8th.. the 8th solomon demon..?? but i do remember they said I have a singing talent etc and nature.

I mean the angel/Demon was right that is my hidden talent I dont share.

But still. Even more weird stuff like me feeling wind when wind isn't in sight. and me hearing a calming voice kinda. ive been hearing alot of things lately. but i cant tell if its in my head or not..

or what is going on. i tried physics etc. They didnt help much other then say Those are not dreams, Ur astral projecting. How can I be doing that when im sleeping :Y
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Re: Question about dreams
Post # 2

These honestly sound to me like dreams containing simply a lot of symbolism.

It makes sense to me that you sing, and your dream characters know of this. Of course they know! It's your subconscious mind at play. You may want to consider continuing to work on your talent not only to develop it but to relieve stress as well.

You seem to me to be experiencing stress in your daily life, you may not realize it as well. Keep an eye on how you're feeling, and take care of yourself.

Your dream seem to as I said contain much symbolism. Exploring some of this symbolism may interest you. I've had similar dreams which contain different meanings, some of which as well I am not totally aware of. It is later on when I look into them that I discover their relevance.

As for sleep and astral projections. There are some spiritualist whom believe when we sleep every night we astral project. So yes some people will tell you this. Not everyone believes this. It's a personal belief. You need not accept it as your own. Personally I believe we dream at night. And I as well have faith in dream work and psychology like shadow work. But that is my personal belief, and you need not take it as your own neither, if you decide not to.

Good luck to you. Be safe. And enjoy your journey.

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