What color is energy?

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What color is energy?
Post # 1
Hello, everyone. So, I've noticed how a lot of spells ask you to visualize energy. Every time I visualize energy, I imagine it to be sky blue. But for some reason, I'm not 100% sure if that's actually what color energy is. Does anybody else see energy in that color?
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Re: What color is energy?
Post # 2

Energy does not have colour, but colours have energy. It's why some people would have green candles in their magic to help bring in a steady flow of income. Since green would symbloic either growth or money. It's really the meaning behind the colour, but for the most part energy does not have colour. However, it's perfectly okay for you to see it in sky blue if it helps you to visualize energy.

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Re: What color is energy?
Post # 3
I think for you,sky blue is the color of energy. Energy is like ripples in the water, it's like waves or vibrations.
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