Hi SoM

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Hi SoM
Post # 1
my name is hayley, i am a 16 year old wiccan, i also practice hoodoo/voodoo but i am mostly wiccan, im more skilled in the art of necromancy, and astral projection. my god and goddess are Boreas and the callieach the celtic god and goddess of winter. my familiar is a rat named Aszra , i have 3 siblings 2 sisters and 1 brother i am the oldest.
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Re: Hi SoM
Post # 2
Hello everyone! My name is Ziena and I am a practitioner of magick and can do a few things.
I am a diviner through runes and tarots and I have precognitive abilities. I have had many visions before and moments where I seem to know what's going to happen right before it does.

I'm also an energy reader and I can generally tell what animals or fantasy entities best resonate with you. I can also give a vague estimate of your 'power potential' for lack of a better word. These potentials aren't always the true cap but it can be extremely hard to train them to be higher.

I am a pagan as well and work with Loki, if you have questions about working with him, I can help, but I also have tips for working with deities and entities in general. In addition, I believe that all 'first deities' like titans were created by God to aid him and that He Himself focused on his favorites and left every other deity to care for theirs.
I am no expert but I know a lot about magick and abilities and have helped other people before with figuring things out. One time I helped a theater ghost move on in person and another time I banished a demon from a friend's house despite them being on the other side of the country.

I've had telepathic moments, such as when I was mentally yelling at a friend to do something and then he did. I also will occasionally pick up on random thoughts that are clearly not mine. I need to work on my mental barriers and train this skill as well as any telepathy.

I enjoy friendly debates with people especially about magick and science. As an ADHD book writer, I happen to have done a lot of research about these things and will happily share what I know. I enjoy talking with people over text but in person and over the phone can make me nervous the first few times partly due to issues in my past but after a few meetings that will usually change.

I hope you have a great day. ^^
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Re: Hi SoM
Post # 3
Hey guys! My name is Kanoelani or just Kanoe for short. My main crafts include Slavic paganism (Serbian heritage) and indigenous Hawaiian polytheism (Polynesian heritage), but I practice other forms of craft on a smaller scale as well. I work mostly with my ancestors, but I also work with Laka a lot. I am currently living in Miami for university and looking forward to meeting more people in and out of my area. Hope everyone enjoyed their autumn celebrations!
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