
Forums ► Spiritual Creatures ► Bune
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Bune as a duke who is able to move the dead, make one rich, and answer a variety of questions.The Livre des Esperitz claims that Bune rules 35 legions of spirits,while the other texts only give him 30 legions to command.The other texts further describe Bune's appearance as a three headed dragon (with one head being human) and give him the additional powers of making devils gather around graves and making one wise and charismatic.

Thanks be to Bune who bestows great wealth.
This goaetic being is mostly benevolent to those brave enough to ask this entities assistance. I oversee a business and with a pandemic going on business had become slower than usual for obvious reasons. I did a ritual to contact Bune and I didn’t feel the normal electrical charged atmosphere and chill down the spine sensation that’s normal when calling on goetic beings.

I actually felt relieved and a sense that the monetary flow to the business would soon increase. This allowed me to no longer worry and I also was lead to perform other acts of financial magick confidently to better assist my situation.
I can say that Bune came through for me and I am thankful to be able to share the possibility and manifestation of working with these powerful forces.
Study, practice, and share!
It’s a wonder to experience and share a successful summoning!
Thank you Bune!
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