Banishing spell help

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Banishing spell help
Post # 1
Long Story

I’m looking for a spell or something to get my moms abusive husband out of mine and my kids lives. He is an awful man that stills her money, fat shames her, talks down to her is mean to me and my kids. I need this man out of our lives.

I’ve already tired a hot foot spell that I put in his shoes last time he came over. That did nothing. I have done 2 freezer spells and my daughter did one as well. Still he comes around and is a jerk. Please help me get this person out of our lives.
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Re: Banishing spell help
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

If you aren't living with them you could simply change the locks on your home and either don't answer the door when he knocks or refuse to open the door to him. If he breaks in anyway, go to the police and charge him with criminal trespass.

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Re: Banishing spell help
By: / Novice
Post # 3
In the end, if it is your mom's home and she continues to invite him, then that would act to undo or at least weaken the effect of any actions you take.

I would suggest talking to your mom about what is happening. Give her a space to feel safe in recognizing and sharing her own potential concerns about the relationship. One good pro-tip is to avoid at all costs in telling her what to do though. That makes people reverse tracks every time even if they know you are right. It's an instinctive thing.

I find advice goes over very well when turned into a question so they can find the answer themselves. For example instead of saying "He is abusive" or " Leave that guy" or "you should do [x] ", rephrase it into "Why do you accept what he is doing", or "Why are you still with him", or "What are you doing to make things better for yourself?".

Then leave her for a while to her thoughts. Don't actually push for answers. Instead be sure to express your support and willingness to help. And once a goal is decided then go from there.

As far as options for magical support, I would suggest looking for magic to instill confidence, Self awareness, and inner strength over trying to banish. It would seem to me that banishment, as a solution, doesn't fit the situation as it is more about your mom's allowing this relationship to continue than about him invading your space.
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