Baby Witch

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Baby Witch
Post # 1
I started reading tarot about a year ago and it morphed into a steadfast interest in magic. I have a growing collection of tools and supplies but have recently realized I have no idea what I'm doing! My tarot deck is so special to me, but I've recently gained a small crystal collection, a singing bowl, and a pendulum. Where should I start? I feel like everyone I ask says something different and I'm overwhelmed.

I look forward to all this resource has to offer!
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Re: Baby Witch
Post # 2
welcome.. please, if you are feeling overwhelmed, maybe you could put all your tools and supplies in front of you, sit with them and relax and get to know them better.. I am sure that you will find the answer that you seek..enjoy
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Re: Baby Witch
Post # 3
I work with Pendulums, but not the other items you have mentioned, so will keep my reply just to pendulums.

As you mention, it can be overwhelming with all the information out there. I would suggest looking at each set of instructions or guides for using a pendulum, and try each one, or start with the one method that resonates with you the most. Try it a few times to see if it works for you, and if you don't like that method, or it doesn't give you results, try a different method.

For myself, I use a variation of a standard pendulum use adapted to my own style, based on asking pendulums questions I knew the answers for and then testing the pendulum to see if it gave correct answers to those questions.

A fairly vague answer I know, but I am happy to answer any questions on pendulums you might have, should I be able to answer them.
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