Need advice.

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Need advice.
Post # 1
My husband and I have been having nothing but problems in our marriage, house, ect. Now we’re are facing divorce and it doesn’t make sense to me at all. I understand life happens, but something doesn’t seem right. I can’t help but think someone has something on us, so to speak. Like a stink eye or something. Now I’ve noticed a dozen or so flies on our walls, windows. Maybe it’s nothing. I just don’t know what to do.
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Re: Need advice.
Post # 2
I recommend divination, preferably runes or tarot as these will give you more specific and detailed answers than a pendulum or scrying.
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Re: Need advice.
Post # 3

Have you had a good talk with him? I've been with my husband for 19 years and I always found when things weren't going so well it was because we hadn't had a proper talk in a while.

Take some time for yourself and really figure where you are in life, meditate on it. Think of your goals and dreams and decide whether or not you see your husband there with you. If you do then you should tell him how important he is to you.

Often times in a marriage we see our spouses as more of an extension of ourselves than an individual and we assume they know what we're thinking, feeling and that you have the same goals. This is rarely the case as you are 2 separate people doing different things daily. Take some time to sit down and reconnect.

If you think someone has done something against you, like a hex or a stink-eye, you can simply protect your home using a protection spell. I usually just put salt around the doors and windows to make sure that nothing bad gets in then cleanse the house to get out any bad that's already in there.

Hope this helps!

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Re: Need advice.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Comments.
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Re: Need advice.
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I agree with both of the above. Often, there are mundane explanations for our problems that require less work and are more direct than a magical solution. Talk to your husband about what you're feeling. A lot of energy is off due to quarantine, which could be affecting your relationship as well.

If you truly think something has bern cast on you, divination or prayer is always good to find out if that's true. Otherwise, it's a good idea to do a general cleansing of your house and then your husband and yourself as well.

I'm not sure if the flies necessarily mean anything as they occur for so many reasons. Make sure you have no open containers of food, and if the house is hotter than normal try to cool it down. Maybe get an insecticide spray, or a fly ribbon depending on your preference. If nothing works after you try to get rid of them, then it may be of magical concern.

I wish you luck in finding the solution you need!
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