Horse bones

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Horse bones
Post # 1
Years ago, my best friend's horse died, (well before I knew her), and her father just took it deep into their property and let it naturally decompose. Over the years various animals, most likely coyotes, picked at it and spread the bones throughout the woods and pasture.
Recently my friend found three or four of these bones and she gave me them. I'm not sure what to do with them. I don't want to disrespect any spirit or anything that might be attached to them. I also don't want to Stir anything up. I'm new so I don't even know what I might do with them.
If anyone can explain to me uses for these bones or if I should even use them at all and if not tell me what to do that with them.
Thank you
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Re: Horse bones
By: / Novice
Post # 2
TheLadyGraveDancer has a short video on working with animal parts [and she has other videos on other animals as well as making death oil]
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Re: Horse bones
Post # 3
Thanks! I'll check it out
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Re: Horse bones
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Being respectful is key when working with any energy however death energy requires a certain level in my eyes. Thanking the spirit of the animal that the bones are from and the gifts they have left behind is a wonderful addition to resting these bones on an altar,utilizing them in a magical working, creating a magical or ritual tool with them, or even simply creating a collection. Respecting them enough to communicate your understanding of the legacy that lives on in the other animals that their physical body fed and the enjoyment the same body provided while alive will yield positive energy for you. Letting them know that even in death they are important and respected, for their spirit is with us always.

Many Equss Blessings to you!

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