Create a real Death Note?

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Create a real Death Note?
Post # 1
I am wondering something.
There is an anime about a "death note", a book where you can write a persons name into and they will die if you visualize their face clearly while writing.

Many years ago there existed a website or a blog that wrote about a supposedly "real" death note that can be created by writing some text in henochian on the back and cover with the blood of the user and some rituals neede to be performed to "energize" it.
Something like a 10 hour meditation over the book at new moon or something.

I even have some of the pictures of the henocian text that should be written on my computer.
Unfortunately that website closed suddenly and was lost forever.
Asking the community here:
would such a thing as a death note actually be possible to produce,
as you be able to somehow enable it to kill people by jsut writing their name?
would it be possible to create such a thing?

Back on that website, it kind of sounded very convincing due to the henochian stuff, some backstory about like only 2 of these death notes existing and the website owner not gonna create another one cause they are very dangerous, tons of energy and effort needed to create such a powerful item and yeah, jsut too dangerous and he didnt want to be responsible for anything.

so he left isntructions, which only the real devoted would follow along anyways.

so yeah, do you think one could create such an item?
the guy there apparently used henochian letters and texts, no idea if thats needed or if other magick would be able to achieve that goal too.

Thank you in advance for any answers.
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Re: Create a real Death Note?
Post # 2

Cryptic languages don't really make any difference in spell-casting, unless they make a difference to the caster themselves. Belief that they improve your craft manifests, but otherwise they're just for show or for secrecy.

As far as creating a real Death Note, I'd group that under the "fictional" magics category. While I'm sure you could make a book that's been enchanted in such a way that any name written into it curses that person (assuming you contribute the appropriate amount of thought and energy to it and not just write it and forget it) there's no guarantee they'll die, least of all in the way you specify. And then there's the fact that it's unethical to even consider taking people's lives, no matter how justified you feel in it (killing dictators and murderers and what have you). It's really just not yours or anyone's place, to decide who lives and who dies. Think of magic like a gun. Guns can be used to kill people, but when you go to buy one, you don't ask the attendant which one is best for killing people. Following that same logic, you don't ask spell casters how to use magic to kill someone.

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Re: Create a real Death Note?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
This topic keeps coming up. So many people are fascinated with Death Notes [great series I'll admit] I wonder if it's because people didn't understand the philosophy surrounding the anime/manga, see themselves in Light/Kira but don't see his hubris as his downfall into madness, or just want to kill someone for fun [and if it's the last one, wow, I apparently had too much faith in people]

Shinigami are real beings in Japanese mythology [though the death note thing I think is fictional] they're kind of like grim reapers who escort the dead, not demons with notebooks of murder. If you are expecting to find a death note and have a shinigami go around murdering people for you, that won't happen.

What could work is if you enchant a pen and a notebook and you write affirmations, wishes, goals, and chants in it. Take time to focus energy, visualize your outcome, and motivate yourself to seek this goal. The notebook could work by using the law of attraction [or charging the energy around you] to help you manifest your goal quickly. Does that mean you can write murder plats and they happen? Eh... Maybe? Like, if you're expecting to write "John Doe" and ten seconds later they die of a heart attack like in Death Note, no, that won't happen. I'm more considering death spells in general. You need a ton of focus and energy to achieve them, which is why I doubt it would work, but if you focused enough energy and kept writing "John Doe will die this year" over and over, you would be sending a lot of energy out which could, at the very least, curse the person. [but I'm of the mindset that there's usually several better options to choose from before a curse]
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Re: Create a real Death Note?
Post # 4
I know what you mean.
I am not unrealistic enough to expect any being to show up and do stuff for me or instantly kill someone, I rather think of something that could kill someone over time by bringing them a deadly desease or similarly more realistic ideas.

Yeah, the page I was talking about basically was about that.
writing with your blood henochian stuff on a pen and notebook, then somehow energizing them via diverse rituals and stuff.
so the basic theme there was what you shortly mentioned there in your comment.

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