Need advice

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Need advice
Post # 1
Hey if anyone is up I need advice on something. I know I am being deceived by people and they do not know, that I know. I wonder if a truth spell would help
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Re: Need advice
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Site Spells Discussion.
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Re: Need advice
Post # 3
The easiest way might be to look up some body language tips, and compare it. Palms or throat not showing can indicate discomfort or lying if that helps
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Re: Need advice
Post # 4

" The easiest way might be to look up some body language tips, and compare it. Palms or throat not showing can indicate discomfort or lying if that helps "

These supposed signs of lying vary from person to person. Someone with Attention Deficit Disorder, for example, may tend to be more fidgety and uncomfortable with long talks in general, and display the alleged signs of a liar, even when they are telling the truth. Some people passively touch their hair or ears out of boredom, or the individual might just be uncomfortable being questioned whether they're lying or not. While I'm not saying to disregard body language entirely, it should be taken with a grain of salt. Paying attention to the content of what they're saying is more likely to yield results than paying attention to their body language. Unless they're a practiced liar, or a pathological liar, odds are their lies will evolve over time. Small unnecessary details will be added in as they recant it. Slight changes will be made every time, or sometimes even major changes, and then they tend to gaslight when you call them out on a huge change. "No that's not what I said, you're making things up, you're crazy, etc." They'll make promises and swear on something important to them, with no real regard to the significance of their words. Most importantly they'll try and redirect. "Why are you interrogating me?" "Why can't you just drop it?" etc. They'll try and make themselves the victim to take heat off of themselves and change the topic. Often times you'll find yourself apologizing to a liar and feeling very confused, doubting yourself, whether or not you were too severe on them or if you were right and are being taken for a fool.

Sorry for the long rant, my degree is in inter-personal communications and I can't rattle on for hours about these things.

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