Stray cat?

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Stray cat?
Post # 1
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is well. I was wondering if anyone might have some insight into something that happened recently? At the last house I lived at there was this stray/feral cat that would hang around my house and stare from across the yard. He would come and go randomly sometimes being gone for months. I know it is normal for a stray cat to do that. .Well I moved recently and guess what... The same cat showed up at my new house and is doing the same thing! It is way to far for him to have traveled himself. He is all black with a white dot between his eyes (third eye) I love cats but it just seems odd. I’ve also been having terrible luck lately.Has anyone heard of a negative spell involving a cat?
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Re: Stray cat?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
How far away are you now from your old place? If it's a close location, it's very likely that the cat frequents the general area and that's why. Also, have you ever fed or offered food to the cat? Stray cats especially tend to bond with humans that can provide food for survival. Try not to interact with the cat directly (ie: petting it) unless you intend on taking it to a vet to be checked out and know for sure that he's a stray and not just an outdoor pet. And are you absolutely positive that it's the same cat?

As for magical advice, I'm unsure of an exact spell that would involve this, but the idea that black cats are automatically bad luck isn't really something many practitioners subscribe to anymore, at least in my experience. In fact, many witches prefer black cats. Additionally, sometimes bad luck spells occur and are not due to any magical events or actions taken against you. However, if you think that the cat is following you as a result of a spell or hex, it might do you good to try and figure out if you have been hexed and then try to remove it. You can try any divination method as well as consulting any deities as to whether you have been hexed. Be sure to specifically word your question to include hexes, jinxes, curses, and any other "negative" spells or spells with harmful intentions.

If it seems that you have had something placed against you, use whatever method you prefer to break it. If you've never done this before, there are a ton of resources online. I'd also suggest fully taking down any wards you have up, cleansing the entire house you live in to ensure anything bad is out, then put the wards back up with very specific intentions and in layers. Also, it may do you some good to wear something like jewelry or a clothing item, or even carry a charm intended to protect you when you're not home. Follow up after this in the same way as before, by asking your divination method or deities if you have successfully removed it. If not, continue trying until you have.

After doing all of this, see if the cat shows up still. Don't try and seek it out, as this could result in you finding the cat more easily than usual. If the cat does not reappear, then it would be reasonable to conclude that this was part of the spell. If the cat is still there, then it's safe to assume he just really likes you, I think.

I wish you luck with this, let us know if you have any questions!
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