Baby witches

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Baby witches
Post # 1
Can you give some starter advice?
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Re: Baby witches
By: / Novice
Post # 2
In terms of what, just general things to start with? I think some of the first things for all beginner witches to study would be real vs. fake magic, types of witches, meditation, grounding, centering, basic protections, etc. From there, a lot of your practice becomes interest based and revolves around the type of witch you have decided to be.
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Re: Baby witches
Post # 3
What areas of witchcraft have interested you the most? Perhaps start there and branch out. If you're interested in herbal magic, research correspondences and uses for the most basic/common herbs you can find, as well as some of the plants found locally. Apps can be found in the app store or play store which will help identify unknown herbs, flowers, and plants. Sigil magic is fairly good for beginners, as the materials required are very little (writing utensil, paper) and they can be made on your own. If you're interested in divination, as most baby witches are, finding a weighted object to serve as a pendulum or a deck of playing cards with which to do divination is perfect. You of course don't have to do these specific things, but hopefully it serves as a good example of what you can start with and modify based on the materials you have and your interests.
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Re: Baby witches
Post # 4
There are some articles here that are a great place to start, which will introduce you to correspondences, moon phases, etc.

The best general place to start in my experience is meditating. Practicing this skill and becoming proficient in this will allow you to further practice grounding, centering, and raising energy. If you aren't tapping into that energy and intent, you can light as many candles as you want and say whatever, but your spells are much less likely to work. There is some good info on this in the basics section.

On another side, once you start energy work you will also want to figure out how to cleanse/protect yourself. There are several ways to do this so it's more a matter of doing some research and finding what speaks to you. I personally do a lot of chakra/aura work for psychic protection, and I have a strong affinity with hematite. To cleanse, there are several methods from smudging to bells.

If you don't have a metaphysical shop, then there are good online resources. I've also had luck in craft stores and places like Target. I've gotten a couple different color candles, several colors of ribbon, and even some incense at stores like target. It's less about having fancy expensive things and more about understanding your correspondences and your intention.

The spells on this site can provide some examples which are helpful. I'll warn you that the consistent people here are very practical and serious about their practice, so "fluffy" things like growing wings, becoming a vampire, etc are unlikely to be well received. But genuine curiosity and questions are always welcome!

Read lots and don't be afraid to explore.

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