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Post # 1

For those who think I want revenge on people on this site. No I do not. I want revenge on people in my actually life. not online life. I do not harm others that done nothing to me. The reason why I deleted the post was because you guys were being stupid about it. the reason why I ask for curse spells is because im into black magick. I been doing magick for at least 6 years now. all I am saying to others is just to let people believe what they want. and for those calling me foolish etc. Have you ever look at the past? no. I don't think you guys even use your brains. yes I have bad English yes I know things. but if you wanna destroy me go ahead. take everything away from me. I don't have much. if you guys would know who I am you would understand. but please don't make me hate you. it wont go easy on you. I can hold a grudge for years. and if your going to curse or harm me. Great lovely. Do it please. feed me all of the pain and anger in your souls. im sorry if you guys misunderstand me. or if I misunderstand you. I do not want to harm others online got that. you guys wont understand anything if I even told you. you would be like "You need help" or something stupid like that. haven't you guys ever used your brains onto why I needed a harm spell. NO. go ahead and do your worse to me alright.
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Re: Message
By: / Novice
Post # 2
What on earth are you talking about? [also, last time, stop using banned language. read the rules] You're ranting about I'm not sure what. Looking through Spell Caster the forums I noticed one I commented on is missing. I assume it's yours? If I remember it was something about certain members teaching in the spells section and pointing out the fake spells and you got upset. Don't take things so personally. Not to sound mean, you are a random stranger on the internet. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't usually take note of individual users or their comments unless they are personally attacking me [and even then I forget about it pretty quickly once it's resolved] All I remember is the profile picture and if I've had to repeat myself to that user [I remember warning you about the rules a few times, but that's about it] no offence, it's just, I have better things to worry about in life.

I'm sorry to hear you have hardships in your life, and while I don't know what brought you to this conclusion, curses are real, but you should think before you cast one, regardless of who. They require a lot of energy and skill to get right. [it could backfire on you] Nobody's going to curse you here. If you think we're mad at you, we're not, we just wish to educate. If you still wish to believe in things that aren't possible with magick after we've explained why it doesn't work, that's your choice. Nobody is going to force you to change [just be willing to change your perspective if logic and/or experience proves you incorrect] All of us have discovered things we once believed were true were in fact false as we continued on our path. That's life.
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Re: Message
Post # 3
people don't understand. I don't want revenge on people here. I was not trying to be mean to others. Gosh
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Re: Message
By: / Novice
Post # 4
The medium is the message, you know. Ending your comment with "gosh" comes off aggressive. Asking for a curse is one thing, venting about people not understanding your intentions in one sentence, then insulting them in the other comes off confrontational and inconsistent. Think before you post [reread your comment before submitting]
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