God/Goddess calling?

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God/Goddess calling?
Post # 1
I haven't been on here for a while, but I've come back seeking help or rather an answer.

Recently I have had the feeling of a deity/god/goddess has been calling out to me. I am a baby witch so I know nothing of the sort, I've just had that feeling. I did some research on the topic and ended up learning some things, not very many as I didn't know where to start. One of which is that whoever is calling to you won't directly say "Hey I'm Hera, what's up?" most of the time you have to figure it out. I did also learn whatever deity/god/goddess is calling out to you can contact through dreams. Since I have been on a streak of remembering my dreams for about week I decided to see if a dream would come to me. One did.

It started off with myself in a black abyss sort of place. I was standing in the center of a circle of floating white balls the size of a softball. The only thing that I could compare them to were bath bombs, they had they textures of one from what I could see. I can't quite remember how many were in the circle, my guess would 13 maybe 14. I don't really remember how many. Outside the circle were other white balls as far as the eye could see. They just seemed inactive and dull compared to ones surrounding me. The next thing to happen was one of the balls setting aflame behind me. I turned to look at it, how could I not. As I stared at it a voice rung out, very loud may I add, and it said "Now that you know a god is calling out you, you must figure it out which one." The dream immediately ended and I woke up to my ears ringing, that one sentence just repeating it's self in my head.

I had consulted with my friend about this and my recent knowledge from research. Her first reaction to this was Ares. She had then on explained how myself was attracted to war related topics and went on about how this would explain all of my war related dreams. I was the perfect candidate from what she explained. I would believe her, but I'm not sure. I've never had this happen before and I'm very uneducated on the topic.

I am doing research as I type this, apparently Ares is represented by four different birds.The Barn owl, the Eagle owl, the Vulture, and the Woodpecker. The first three are said to be bad omens, while the barn owl is also an omen of war. The woodpecker is a good omen, and one that I have been seeing a lot more of lately.

I don't really know what to think of all this, but I'd like to know if you could guide in the right direction. Please and thank. I also apologize for the lengthy thread.
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Re: God/Goddess calling?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
From my experience, you will have an "a-ha" moment when you see the deity, not an "I guess that makes sense" as you're describing. If it's Ares, have you seen these birds more frequently in your life [find their feathers, turn on the tv and there's a documentary about one of the birds or Ares, walking down the street you overhear someone talking about Ares or something that's associated with him?] You can always ask if it is Ares. While some deities won't directly state who they are, so you work with them thinking they're someone else, they won't lie.

When I began seeking out a Goddess to work with [because I had lost my connection with The Triple Goddess and hasn't worked with another deity in years] I was researching deities and while scrolling through a list, one of the names [that I never heard of] popped out at me and I had this eye-opening moment of "This is the one I'm meant to work with." If you don't have that gut feeling, I would meditate on it. Set up an altar and ask for a sign, then observe your surroundings and take note of anything you feel is special [it could be a time, a smell, a strange feeling while you're walking down the street. Take note and see if you can find a pattern]
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