Who has hexed my sons?

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Who has hexed my sons?
Post # 1
Hello I am new to this forum. Not sure if I should've posted this on a different board.
I believe that my sons have been attacked by some sort of demonic black magic to destroy their lives and set them against me and my wife. I will not go into details of events because it will take time but we are seriously thinking that someone from my wife’s family is using black magic on my sons. I am from the UK, my wife is from India where the use of black magic is quite common.

At the moment the main thing we wanted to discover is if this is indeed black magic and if so, WHO is behind it. We know nothing about magic spells and don't have much desire to get involved. But we wanted to employ someone to find out who is doing it... does anyone know if there are common procedures for such divination? I was hoping it would involve our sending several photos of her family members (and perhaps a few random photos of people we don't even know to make the diagnosis more convincing)
Can anyone suggest how to go forward from here?
Thank you.
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Re: Who has hexed my sons?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Who has hexed my sons?
By: / Novice
Post # 3

Can you explain why you think black magic is involved? You don't have to go into specifics, but do you mean in terms of your sons having bad luck, different temperaments, etc?

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Re: Who has hexed my sons?
Post # 4
Hello Bryn, its been more than a year since things started and its only now that we suspect dark magic. My boys are 26 and 30 years old.
In 2018 me and my wife went to India for 3 months. When we returned we noticed that they (especially our younger son) had really changed. He had become quite hyper, and started putting crazy significance into fairly mundane things. They both mentioned that while we were in india they had both been watching a movie at home and suddenly they both (simultaneously) started having intense feelings of fear and rage and they said it was lucky they didn't start attacking each other. They attributed this to something being channelled through the movie.
Both our boys were good company but since that time they have become progressively more sullen and disinterested in things and very aggressive if we challenged their lack of interest in any activity.
Last year my wife came down crying one morning telling me to go and see the boys upstairs. They were both in bed staring up at the ceiling and told us to be careful and not to come too near to them. They had spent the whole night having weird experiences with demons urging them to do things (including things against their parents) it was just horrible and this has had a very long lasting effect on me. Horrible energy. This same event happened a few days later. that same day I asked them if they had been taking any drugs. They reluctantly confessed to having taken some marijuana and had been taking it on and off for quite sometime. I just mentioned that this might have something to do with the experiences they were having and my younger son just exploded and started yelling at me. Its happened several times that we calmly talk to them about their behaviour and they just explode. There is a look in my sons eyes of fear and rage that is just not normal. They have stopped taking marijauana and I think it may have previously contributed to the problem but that the main root cause is something else. They don't have any positive outlook on anything, are suspicious of everyone... I could mention a lot more but I will leave it there for now.
According to the girlfriend of my younger son, he said that he thought that his mother’s family (in india) had been doing black magic on them. My son’s relationship with his girlfriend is on the verge of collapse (and she is pregnant).
Regarding the family members in india. We would never have suspected any of them of doing black magic but there could certainly be reasons for them doing it, though we have always been very good with them. there are certain things that are making us very suspicious.
Hope this helps
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Re: Who has hexed my sons?
Post # 5

I don't think it's black magic I think it's just some form ofmarijauana shock their going through. It's common in normal smokers and drinkers whom stop they go though a series of emotional problems such as shock, anger and fear, followed by depression. This is a professional medical that needs to help them not magic.

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Re: Who has hexed my sons?
Post # 6
Winterclan you could be right. But I don't know anyone who has gone through what we are going through as a result of marijuana.
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