Your favorite topics?

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Your favorite topics?
Post # 1
Hey guys!

Out of curiosity, I'm interested in what you guys are interested in learning, whether that's on blogs, ebooks, or online courses related to witchcraft (not just Wicca, etc).

For example, is it sigil magick, connecting with the elements, the basics of witchcraft, how to master your magick, become a psychic, raise your vibrations, etc?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Your favorite topics?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: Your favorite topics?
Post # 3

I prefer finding my information online. It's much more easy for me. Since there isn't many witches stores where I live and if there is, it's far too dear to buy. I like learning about spirit guides and learning from my spirit guides. I'm more into knowing more about tarot and crystals, but I do like learning about the basic. There are just so many ways to cleanse and protect yourself and I love seeing how we all have a couple of things in common. When it comes to our practice, but we do things differently. Example, I like cleansing with smoke, but another person might like cleansing with salt or rice.

I love learning about different paths outside of Wicca, mythological, mypsychic abilities to get to understand myself and sometimes shadow work. I've tried learning about raising my vibrations, but it doesn't resonate with me just yet nor am I particularly into learning more about it. So, for now raising my vibration will just have to come naturally until I'm more mature enough to listen about the different techniques and going deeper into its basic. In short, my path will grow and change with time. Grow like the trees and change like the seasons. Will I start reading witchcraft out of books? Eh, maybe one day. I will just have to wait and see.

Hope this service you well.

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