I am going to be upfront right now on this topic. Spells aren't always easy! You won't fully get your intentions if you don't put effort. I do own and run a YouTube channel and I get so many comments asking why it is such a hard spell and I am here to answer that.
Why are spells always so hard? Well sometimes they don't have to be. Spells are used to set our intentions.With more ingredients it is easier to set our intentions. We aren't just going to tell you to put in a ingredient without telling you and explaining to you why we put it in. For example rose petals. They are used for love because of their red color signifying love and how we give roses to people we love as a symbol of a relationship.
I don't have the ingredients for the spells! What do I do? A lot of things can be used instead. For money, we usually use salt, five finger grass, st johns wort, etc. If you don't have any of these, what makes you think of money. Lets say you thought a green candle. Don't use any of the ingredients and just use a green candle. It is your magick and you pick how you want to use it.
Crafts, what do they do? Well crafts can be usedin many ways. In hoodoo there is something called mojo bags. They can be used to keep magick around you for your set intention. For fae there are little houses you can make. They will invite the fae in. In many types of magick there are different types of crafts. Try to use both spells and crafts together. Magick isn't always spells!
Does magick really work? Yes, yes it does. magick all relies of you. If you don't believe it won't work. Make sure you believe because if you don't the magick has a high chance of not working. Desperate energy can also be a factor. Try to use more positive energy. If you are giving out bad energy it will come back to you three fold (Three fold law, Wicca). If you send out positive energy it will come back so try to be positive, this is actually where the idea of karma was originally made!
End of speech. Magick isn't always spells nor crafts. Try to just be positive and try to set intentions more. All of this comes into factor while either doing a spell or making a craft so really just try to do these things. If you need any more help or have anymore questions just post a comment and I will get back to you asap.