What is fake and not fake

CovenSpell Casters ► What is fake and not fake
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What is fake and not fake
Post # 1
Ok I am going to explain what magick is and isnt! I'm getting sick of people saying if you believe it will work! Magick is in basic terms working with natural energy. That means you cannot shape shift,fly,teleport. Things you can do are: love spells,money spells, astral projection,wish spells. This is a basic article, I hope it helps. And please no more asking me to do spells for you!
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Re: What is fake and not fake
By: / Novice
Post # 2
welcome to SpellsofMagic, you will burn out really quickly if you let people who don't understand the first thing about magick get to you. take a few days off and focus on your own path before coming back to the dozens of comments swearing "i believe so it's real".

seriously, magick is a natural energy, it is ruled by nature, and works with nature. it affects energy surrounding us to bring a natural desired change. if you want to do something that contradicts nature, it doesn't work.
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