
CovenSpell Casters ► Visualization?
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Post # 1
Hi. I need help. I’ve been trying to visualize things for different spells, but I can never see anything! I can hear and feel everything so intensely it’s like it’s almost there but no matter what I can do I can never see it! Like if I was imagining a carpet I could smell the fibers I could feel it on my hand and I could hear the sound it makes when I rub my hand against it but for the life of me I can’t see that carpet! I can even sometimes visualize emotions, I can make myself hear songs in my head and feel the emotions flowing through the song. Can someone give me tips or an explanation?
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Re: Visualization?
Post # 2
this is normal as seeing is the most difficult sense to control .. u will be able to see eventually .. being in the dark or candles shadow can help also try to to imagine the details of thats which u want to see (ie: the color of the carpet or the shapes on it )
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Re: Visualization?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
That's fine, some people can't, if you can feel/hear it as if it's real that works too. The key is to make it real in your mind, if you can imagine it so realistically it feels real, than you're doing right. If you've tried and tried and still can't focus on a desired goal, you can get creative and make a collage of pictures, draw one, write a description of how it will feel/look. Whatever works best for you, the key is to focus on that goal and make it real for you as you cast.
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