Dream choice?

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Dream choice?
Post # 1

How can you choose your own dream? I seen a couple different methoods, but i don't know which one works best.

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Re: Dream choice?
Post # 2

Lucid dreaming can be done in the following methods:

- repeating a phrase or action such as saying "am I dreaming" throughout your entire day, so that you might say it in a dream; get reminded of dreaming, and then try to alter them

- marking yourself with something like a marker so that you might notice it's gone in your dream triggering dream awareness

- waking up around 5 am or 6 am by clock, and then imagining what your dream is like while you fall asleep

These are the methods I know. Personally I usually get sleep paralysis when I try to lucid dream which is a scary experience until you learn to calm yourself.

When you do lucid dream try to calm yourself when you realize you're dreaming. Sometimes my heart races when I realize it and then I wake up. Also make sure to research self protection spells because you can attract negative energies, thoughtforms, or entities. I know this from recent experience.

And finally, lucid dreaming is related to astral projecting. So is sleep paralysis. It's all about awareness and how you react to it. Good luck out there. I also suggest avoiding lucid pills, they can have side effects. But could help in case you are having absolute trouble doing them.

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Re: Dream choice?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Spell Suggestions.
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