Creating Deities Help

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Creating Deities Help
Post # 1

Hello everyone. I have been reading up on a few things lately and after a lot of thinking, I have decided to make my own deities and maybe my own belief system to go with it ifneeded. Please only serious answers .

I have found some links that talk about Deity creation and have also found one on Realm creation.

My questions are:

  • If Iwas to create Deities would I need to create a realm/space for them to live/reside in?
  • Would the creation process be similar to servitor creation?
  • If not Deities, would anyone have any information on God-Forms and how to create them?
  • If Imake God-Forms will they live with my Tulpas or somewhere else?

Thank you for your help.

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Re: Creating Deities Help
Post # 2

I'd suggest reading the texts on the DKMU site. The people who initiated certain servitors tell tales of how they became shared, eventually attaining status of an egregore (a shared thought form, which some consider to be a godform). It may be very instructive to your endeavor.

As for where a created deity may live? Just like most gods, without a temple, they live within their believers. Whether people believe this as they live in the mind as a concept, or within the person as a spirit, is simply a matter of belief.

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