Vampirism Continued

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Vampirism Continued
Post # 1
I saw my original thread was locked, so I'm making another post.
I'm not interested in the action of drinking blood, simply more into the psi-vampire aspect. I received an email from someone that they'd talk to me about it but their account has been deleted.
I do hope I'm not causing trouble by addressing this topic!
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Re: Vampirism Continued
Post # 2

Its probably the word vampire that causes a stir. Perhaps psychic sponge would fit better.

Psychic sponges are those who kind of remove others energy in one way or another. They are the real world vampires. Being around them and talking with them makes one feel tired and frustrated. Spend enough time around them and you can even start to feel ill.

There are several posts on the site about wards and shields and other kinds of protections. I think the best way to protect yourself from this kind of person is to simply recognize what they are and put a little distance between you.

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Re: Vampirism Continued
By: / Novice
Post # 3 is a good resource on vampirism and how it relates to spiritualism and energy. The site is old so navigating around isn't exactly intuitive though. Still? it has an extensive archive of articles and opinions. The site also has an Mirc portal that is still active as well.

Fair warning though, the idea has a lot of room for interpretation and every individual applies it to themselves a lottle differently. So the more people you talk to the better. It allows you to hunt down common thoughts and experiences.

Generally speaking what has already been said is a pretty solid basic summary. Though some like myself would call it a bit over-simplified. ... But then again I am also likely biased as I spent several years taking part in the community as a 'donor' which proved a source of practice and experience in energy working.

To save on writing a novel every time the topic came up, I put together a sort of mini-essay to provide my perspectives;

Of course my mailbox is always open too.
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