A newbie seeking teacher

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A newbie seeking teacher
Post # 1
Pretty new to everything i would like to learn everything i can in hopes to have what i feel it takes to be a grey witch. I want to first be confident enough in white magic before moving on to he next step. I barely do spells yet and when i do im not very confident in myself. I dont really know what self love spell would sound like so maybe even some examples of that would be awesome. Also i was wondering what the evil eye is and its meaning my sister and i found conflicting things about it while trying to learn by googling. I am also trying to learn much about herbs and crystals and their properties. I was wondering what a coven is like to find out if thats something in my near path.
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Re: A newbie seeking teacher
By: / Novice
Post # 2
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Re: A newbie seeking teacher
Post # 3

If you want a spell to be successful, one of the key requirements is confidence in yourself, and firm belief that it will happen. It can take some practice to have these things, especially if you're not seeing the results you want to see. You're asking for a self-love spell, correct? I don't know of any myself, but I can probably give you some pointers. But self-love is also kind of just a mentality thing, it comes with that confidence that you're lacking, and a spell may not be the best way to get it.

I found this post about the evil eye for you. It could probably explain what it is.https://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html?post=233386

Herbs and crystals/stones all of their own individual magical properties. If you go to the articles page on this site, there is an A-Z herb list that explains their properties and some uses. There's also this list by the wonder Misanthropy. https://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.html?ritual=4119&coven=148

Covens are a group of people that share a like-minded goal. Each one has their own goals and teachings, so it's just a matter of finding one that has the same interests as you and applying to it. I hope I covered everything you needed help with. Have a nice day!

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