Empath protection

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Empath protection
Post # 1

I've recently found out I've had this ability and looking back through out my life it make sense, but my question is. How do you protect yourself from other people emotions, charkaunbalancing, and physical problems? I understand the point of being a Empathis to help, and I love it, but I cannot keep handing out my energy.

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Re: Empath protection
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: Empath protection
By: / Novice
Post # 3

Shielding is going to be your best friend. For empaths, its important to put a barrier up to block out any unwanted emotions or energy, and to prevent you from sending out anythat you don't need to as well. There are many different types of shielding, and its ultimately up to you to figure out which works best. I have found this article to be the most helpful in realistic shielding practices, hope it helps you, too.


You also need to practice grounding, and learning to figure out which emotions and energy are whose. Yours will feel different than someone else's but they can also blur together. It takes a long time to learn this, but will save you so much trouble in the long run.

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Re: Empath protection
Post # 4

Thank you.

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