Time frame.

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Time frame.
Post # 1

How long do you have to be on the site to form a coven? I'm not thinking of doing it, but just curious.

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Re: Time frame.
Post # 2

As for joining a coven, there is no requirement to do so. It's completely voluntary.

As to forming one, that is no longer possible; the administrators have decided there are plenty existing covens right now, and so many are inactive. That mentioned, once you have some time under your belt, you are allowed to apply to take one over if you so choose. There is a minimum three-month account requirement, as well as some other rules spelled out at the bottom of the Groups page.

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Re: Time frame.
Post # 3

Currently, no new covens maybe created and this has been like that for several years. Generally talking you may apply to take over an existing inactive coven but you must be a member for at least 3 months or 90 days. But that is simply not enough, coven leadership requires a lot of hard work and knowledge. You need to prove that you are helpful, resourceful and have a decent amount of knowledge either in your craft or the central focus of the coven. Most of all you need to be a very responsible person. I suggest that you start answering questions in forums or the chatter, help out other members of the site, etc, etc. When you believe you are ready and after the 90 days period, you may apply to take over a coven. But please note that the decision to grant you that leadership resides with the site admin and he will thoroughly review your site history and behaviour.

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