Looking for a Teacher

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Looking for a Teacher
Post # 1
Hello! Saskaria here! I was hoping that I could find someone skilled in healing who could help me. I find many spells, most of which don’t work (though that is understandable). Healing is my natural magick, and what I tried after I learnt to manipulate energy (which was the first thing I was taught).

My current teacher’s natural magick is energy itself, but she hasn’t done any sort of healing yet, so I am unable to ask her right now. I am able to heal sore throats, colds, and stuff like that, but am incapable of healing wounds. I understand healing wounds would be harder than healing sore throats, but like I said before, I struggle finding working Spells.

The one potential problem right now though is that I have an energy blockage in my right shoulder, which has presented pain in the past. This blockage is weakening my connection to energy entirely, so these days it is harder for me to feel the energy. This blockage has lasted a year so far, and only recently has it become an issue. If there is a spell someone knows, that will work, I would also like to know of it as well.

Other things I can do though is summon my spirit animal, control the weather (though not too well - at best I can postpone rain for a couple days), and next I’m hoping to refine my weather abilities, as well as my spiritual abilities.

Thanks for reading, and I hope I can get some help! It would be much appreciated! Just healing would be great!
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