Doubt :(

Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► Doubt :(

Re: Doubt :(
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Let go of the doubt inside of your mind and understand something. Not all magic is created equal. Not all of the spells on here are real, and not all of them are fake. I'd highly advise you to read up on the threads regarding Wicca, and what it is and is not. Magic is very real, however it is not a see all, hear all, do all. Meaning that any of the spells on here suggesting that you can be turned into a mermaid, vampire, unicorn, etc. are not going to work. Understanding magic and what it is is important.

But then so is understanding why you came here in the first place. The answer to which you seek about becoming Wiccan is something that only you can discover about yourself. There are plenty of people on this site who can help guide you in the right direction. Spells are not the epitome of witchcraft, or magic in general. There's so much more to it than that.

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Re: Doubt :(
By: / Novice
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from Site Spells Discussion.
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Re: Doubt :(
Post # 4
Thank you so much. I tried to deny the fact that I cannot transform but now I can only accept it. I appreciate your kindness. I’m going to look up some other things now :)
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Re: Doubt :(
Post # 5
Keep learning! Because anyone can contribute to this site, a lot of the spells will be fiction created by people who don't understand witchcraft and magick. The more you learn the more you'll realise how incredibly real witchcraft is. Transformation, teleportation etc. are fiction however all these fictions have spiritual equivalents that are extremely magickal. Learn from as many sources as possible and you'll figure out what's real and what's not. If you're ever uncertain you can always ask on here. Good luck :)
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Re: Doubt :(
Post # 6
Thank you both! :D
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Re: Doubt :(
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7

It's disappointing, I know, when you learn that magic doesn't work the way it does in books and movies. And it's a shame that people post so many spells on this site that are not possible with real magic. But what is important is to remember that there is real magic in the world that we can learn to tap in to and use in our daily lives. Just because some spells here are fantasy doesn't mean that all spells are such.

I'm curious from the statement that you made about Wicca whether you view Wicca as just spells and magic. That would be Witchcraft rather than Wicca. It's pretty common to see the two confused. Wicca is a religion which also works with magic. But to be Wiccan you would need to follow the beliefs and practices of the religion itself. I've been a practicing Wiccan for 38 years now, and a High Priestess of real-life covens since 1996. If I can help you learn more about Wicca feel free to ask me questions at anytime. There is even a thread in the Wicca Forum for "Ask a High Priestess."

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Re: Doubt :(
Post # 8
Well... I think it's real. I've tried magic and it works for me. Maybe this sounds kind of cheesy, but I see too much wonder and mystery in the world to say there's no magic in it. Besides, I always tell myself that, even if it somehow turns out magic isn't real after all, I still feel really good working magic, and it has psychological benefits that are unarguably real. Don't give up - we're witches, and we're only as bound to fate as we decide to be! :)
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Re: Doubt :(
By: / Novice
Post # 9
You can be Wiccan and not cast spells. Spells are like prayers in a way, you don't need them to believe the religion, it's just a way to connect to a higher being. Magick is a natural energy that brings natural change, spells can and do work, the problem is all the "cool" spells [transformation, teleportation, levitation] do not because, again, magick is a force of nature, and works with nature. Humans cannot do these things naturally so the energy just fizzles out with nowhere to go. You can cast a spell to attract many changes into your life [love, luck, courage] because even without magick you can achieve these things naturally. Magick opens doors and brings opportunities for these things to manifest.

Anyway, regarding you statement about becoming Wiccan, I assume you're still on your Year and a Day? So technically you're still testing the waters of this new path, I suggest reading a good book on the subject [perosnally my go to is Raymond Buckland, but many also suggest Scott Cunningham. There's plenty of resources for you in the sites Wicca forums section] at this stage I would get your hands on a good book and read it completely, [also read the pinned forums in the Wicca section since they have a lot of good information] and if the key tenements of Wicca resonate with you, start practicing. Beltane is on May 1, so perhaps research the meaning behind the holiday and do a little something for it.
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Re: Doubt :(
Post # 10
I understand that feeling. Magick is real to its core, its the ones will of doing something. There are real spells just some spells (trick spells or beauty spells) are seen as fantasy. Let go of that doubt and believe that Magick is real, if you don't it will seem like agick isnt a thing at all.
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Re: Doubt :(
Post # 11
Magick is very real. Shooting lightening bolts out of your fingers like Emperor Palpatine is not.

Once you realize that real magick =/= Hollywood magick it's all downhill from there. Magick can influence other people and manifest desires into reality.
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