New Moon

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New Moon
Post # 1

I do understand not everyone uses the astrological points in their practice. Some practice with just the phases of the moon others do not. I respect this and wish to share my ideology on the Cosmic outlook I use in my craft.

The New Moon we are faced today with is under Aries. Aries is the first sign in the circle of twelve astrological signs. So being a New Moon under this sign has quite a large amount of energy. Along with this those in a community I share with see April as the month for Aphrodite. So pairing Ares with Aphrodite can give a large number of energies and uses.

Ares and the new moon are both about starting up new things. Setting up intentions and taking care of ways to change ourselves for the better. Aries brings courage to our veins and making a wonderful time to listen to our gut and follow our hearts(Ares and Aphrodite).

Aries brings in the motion of "I am" and taking this powerful statement can help us overcome things over the month. This is a time to make plans and to embrace the challenges ahead without worrying what others think.

This can also be a time to see some hard truths as we maybe able to see things for what they actually are.

This new moon is to assist us for the upcoming cycle and with the sign of Aries under it we can allow ourselves to trust ourselves and the stars.

Though with all the positives please keep in mind that Aries is well known for tempers and with this can flare up miscommunication, conflicts and the alike.

-Cosmic Death

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