am confused

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am confused
Post # 1
am so sorry if am distabing you guys..i just need help please! i hav tried to do whateva you guys like visualising, meditating and patience but all invein then i thought about making a wand trust me i have made more than 7 wands but non of them work i just wanna know what my problem is!
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Re: am confused
By: / Beginner
Post # 2

I'm guessing you're struggling with making spells work? (Correct me if I misunderstood your question.)

In that case, how long have you been practicing? Some people take quite a while to learn how to cast effectively.

Do you understand what spells are and aren't possible? (Ie, shapeshifting isn't, making job opportunities open up is.)

Have you practiced energy work before delving into casting?

And don't worry, once you work out how to cast effectively, you should be able to use your wands more easily. It's not the tools that make the witch; tools are simply helpful in allowing a witch to visualize and direct energy.

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Re: am confused
By: / Novice
Post # 3

Honestly it sounds like you're just trying too hard. Have patience. One of the biggest key factors in any type of magick that you do, is intention, and the belief that your spell will manifest. Meditation is something that is learned, and to do it well enough and properly can take some people many years to achieve. I would suggest trying a guided meditation, you can find some very good YouTube videos on that.

As for the wands, it depends on your beliefs, but you should infuse the wand with your own energy if you're actually going to use it. I have several as well, but only physically use one of them. The rest are more for props and aesthetic purposes.

Take a few deep breaths, consider what we've said, and also consider how far along on your journey you are. If you're fairly new to this, a lot of things will not come easy to you. They will be more difficult. Gather an understanding of the basic and how they function. Then, regroup and try one thing at a time.

Hope this helps,


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Re: am confused
Post # 4
Wand making is a delicate process. As with all things in life, your energy is key. Whatever you do with passion will flow with passion, it sounds to me that it is wands you like making no?

If it isnt and its simply results you want to see, re-examine your intention. A wand is not simply a tool to make things 'work'. While it can be like this, in the way a hammer is used to punch nails. But a hammers function is not especially used for magical workings.

Magick is easier than one may assume it to be, in fact as Queen Ash has rightly pointed out. It is in the trying too hard that goes against the grain, when you let go. And I mean truly let go and let the river of life take you with it, you shall soon quickly find that Magick comes and sits nicely in your lap!

Also, have fun. Especially have fun in making and designing your wand. Crafting wands is a personal hobby of mine and I learnt through the sheere love and joy of making them, your wand however does not need to be an object. In fact your wand can be your finger! And even if it is an object, make it a part of who you are. In the way your finger is.

I feel all of us can attest to the fact that we have often struggle, I did especially in the begining because I was trying to be in control of everything. Much to my surprise and quite ironically changed for me the moment that I let go of this notion.

Please feel free to message me, I would be delighted to help you in any way I can in the creation of your wand ^_^
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