Where do I fit in?

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Where do I fit in?
Post # 1

Hello I am new here and I just started with magic.

Let me give you a little bit of history about myself.

Ever since I could remember I have had precognitive dreams, with the ability to obtain information from my dreams into reality. Then visions started when I was about 15 years old, sometimes I don't get any for years and sometimes I can't find the off switch.

I am a strong believer in God, I think of myself as righteous believer and follower. For many years I have been feeling like there is something more to this life then just living through it.

I recently started reading some Grimoires like "Long lost friend" and "Key of Solomon" and I realized that White Magic spells are basically prayers.

I tried 2 of them from Long Lost Friend and it seems like they have worked.

Ever since I done it, my dreams have become more vivid and now I see people that are in need of help with spiritual battles.

For example, I see a mother with 2 children having hard times and loosing her faith whilst being attacked by an evil spirit. I can remember what she looks like, the color of her hair, and eyes and even what she was wearing. I remember her first name and I remember the names of her children.

So my questions are...

Is this new dreaming ability normal?

Does one have success with casting as I did?

If so, what group should I be a part of? What's a good starting point to advance safely?

To all who read this, thank you.

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Re: Where do I fit in?
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
To answer your first question the term normal is a relative term. Precognitive dreams are not something a large many experience, but it is not unheard of especially on a site like this one. It sounds as though your ability has developed and gotten stronger over time. Of course, your latest dream could be more symbolic and less literal especially as it involves people you appear to have no personal connection to. Dreams are hard to interpret or understand from an outsider’s viewpoint. As far as your second question goes one’s "success" in casting varies from person to person due to various factors. There are those who have great success with similar spells and those who may find it more difficult. As for your question about a group or starting point that's a tough question. I mean based on what you’ve said I would assume you don’t want to find a pagan based practice rather you wish to follow God. I say it’s a tough question because many groups are more pagan based but there are some on this site that either do not specifically follow pagan deities, there are plenty of groups that do have an emphasize on pagan deities but does not mean you have to as a member, and there are a few groups that practice magick involving God and/or angels. With a little research I’m sure you can find a group that will help you learn and grow.

In the end whether you join an established group or practice solitarily the basics are the best starting point. You need a good foundation to begin with so practices like grounding, centering, energy manipulation, etc... are always good things to investigate. Meditation is common area of study for many but not everyone focuses on learning meditation as in the end the question is what’s right for you? You may want to forge your own path rather than settling on a well-worn one as either way your journey will be unique to you. I wish you well going forward.
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Re: Where do I fit in?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Well a side point I would like to say is, magick isn't "black and white" it's a neutral energy and the casters intentions. All spells are like prayers [you can pray to save a life or to take one, same with spells. It's not as easy and straight forward as that, but it's the same steps] also, it appears you still feel a connection to the Christian God, I would look into Christian Witchcraft aka Christian Wicca if you're loooing for a community with similar views to help you on your path.

1. I'm not sure how many people have vivid dreams but it is a common side effect of opening yourself to the universe and growing more in your spirituality.

2. I don't know how many successful spells you've cast, but if you cast with enough energy and focus, thought it through, and work towards your goal most spells should be successful [though they may not always manifest in the way you expected]

3. As i said above, you might get help from Christian Witches, but there's many helpful articles and forum threads on this site. You might also wish to pick up a book or two, say Bucklands Complete Book of Wtichcraft by Raymond Buckland. It teaches but also has questions for you to answer to help you shape your path.
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Re: Where do I fit in?
Post # 4
Based on your reading list so far, instead of Christian Witchcraft or Christian Wicca or any form of Witchcraft, you may wish to look into "High Magic" instead.     

Many systems of High Magic holds huge respect for the Bibilical God. This is because High Magic is largely a fusion of Neoplatonism, Theurgy, Hermeticism and in particularly, the Qabbalah.     

The Qabbalah is a huge part of High Magic. And since it originated from the Jewish Communities of Southern France, the Bibilical God is a decently sized part of many systems of High Magic.     

This is further compounded by the fact that High Magic has quite a few Rosicrucian influences.     

"High Magic" can be quite Christian-Friendly. It tends to deals with the various Deities it works with on a more conceptual and archetypical level though.     

E.g. The Bibilical God represents the Limitless, The Infinite, The Ultimate First Light that has varying levels of manifestion.

A suitable book written for the absolute beginer would be "The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic" by Elphias Levi.  

This book does quote the "Long Lost Friend" quite lengthily at the last few of its pages. It then stated why the quotes were wrong and that how through mishandling, the quotes were corrupted. It then repaired them, restoring them to their original intended meaning.  

Written in the 18th Century, this book revolves A LOT around Jesus and God. So much that is was found quite off-putting by some non-christian practioners.     

However, it was a book that helped spark the occult revival and is quite a classical work.
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Re: Where do I fit in?
Post # 5
well you are not the first to have these abilities. Me for instance I can have dreams like yours but of the future and I can tell you it means your meant for magic. You could do great things with your abilities and I recommend using spell casters to explore magic and get better so you can go on to do great things.
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