Getting Started in Magick

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Getting Started in Magick
Post # 1
Please read my profile.. it tells a lot and I do not need to repeat it here.
I am an Alchemist and a growing Wizard and utilize Magic, Hermetic ideas and psychic skills in the treatment of illnesses.

People ask me the best way to get started learning Magic and let me begin by saying Real Magick is all around us and also in us. Power lies within you not in the words of spells. Spells help us to focus our energy. A child who really focuses can make his birthday wish happen without knowing "Candle Magick" so long as he works within the laws of Physics or Metaphysics.

You all know Physics it's the natural realm. Trying to make a spell to make you invincible and go stand in the highway and you will get smushed by a truck like a grape. The Magic practiced in movies for the most part does not exist. Metaphysics is higher than natural physics and a lot of real magick takes place in that realm.

There is a really good beginner course by Skywind in 1993 called The Playful Psychic and I highly recommend it for beginners to get to know the energies within you. The link is available online. The elements of this course are basic to learning Magick. Learn to sense energy, channel it and ground yourself.. cast a circle and direct energy.

I direct energy a lot in healing others and most eastern healing methods are somehow energy related. This includes Acupuncture, Reflexology, Acupressure, Chinese medicine and even Christian faith healing.

I will help you find the Playful Psychic series online.. and it was influential in my getting started in 1993 with Real Magick. It will help anyone get started who is serious about learning energy based magick by focusing, visualization, meditation and centering your will.

I am presently very involved with energy Magick, Candle Magick, Elemental Magick, and developing true Psychic skills which surpass simple fortune telling.

I welcome messages and questions about serious things.. not how to give you super powers though you may develop skills that will astonish others. A real Wizard or Psychic does not flaunt their abilities. remember whatever goes out comes back times three!
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Re: Getting Started in Magick
Post # 2
Dear Friends,

I replied to a question by BeginnerMagic and as it my next step here I am pasting it here as well.

I went through a period of trying to find myself and it was complicated because some things were controversial and even disagreed with my family religious beliefs. I finally realized some things were a matter of semantics, or terminology and exist across religious boundaries. Real magick is mostly energy and based on laws of Physics or Metaphysics. People thought gravity was magic until physics was able to explain that law.

Aleister Crowley first used the spelling 'Magick' as a term to show and differentiate his practice of the occult from performance magic and is defined as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will", including both "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic.

So when we do anything conforming to the laws of physics (mundane or natural) we are also working with and performing magick.Skiing, Surfing, Skating, and riding a bicycle are all feats of magick. Now Magick alsao deals with Metaphysics.. or higher physics. This is the invisible, intangible, and ethereal. here are realms of the afterlife, other dimensions, the astral planes (the supernatural). Metaphysical laws exist independent of religion just as physical laws do.

People are born with 'natural talents' or abilities to work with both physical and metaphysical laws. It is said that man uses approximately 10% of his brain. Abilities above average are labeled Psychic abilities and there is a long list of these starting with ESP. You mentioned one of them. An Empath is someone who can feel the emotions of others and experience what they feel. The share feelings but they do not read minds. That is called telepathy.

Understanding and learning Psychic Skills is a foundation toward learning Magick and is more important than trying to work spells of words or rituals. In 1993 Skywind published a beginning series to help people learn whether they have Psychic Skills and advanced ways to develop them. Now out of print it is archived in several places online and you can save them to your computer to study and learn them. I highly recommend this series as a starting point and it influenced and helped me get started on this path in 1993. You can view and save the 4 part series from the archive here...

As you go through this study and its practical applications you will sort out your own psychic abilities and begin to find a place in your cosmic destiny. It will not conflict with your religious beliefs once you realize all religions accept these but assign them different terms.

Remember that many beliefs and religions include some form of magic or ritual and express it in terms of their own. Some call it Psychic Abilities, Paranormal Skills, ESP, and the Christian Church may call it Spiritual Gifts. Nine supernatural Gifts are described in the Holy Bible book of First Corinthians which may be manifested by members of the Christian Church. the most common one spoken of is the Gift of Divine Healing, but there are eight others.

Some of the same abilities exist in many different religions or belief systems and I will discuss that in a future article entitled "A Rose By Any Other Name...".

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Re: Getting Started in Magick
Post # 3
Real Magick is Energy

Whether you realize it or not, you are an energy being as well as a physical one and Magick (the Metaphysical) is all around you and also in you.

Most of us are conditioned by our society to be realistic, lever headed, practical, with both feet on the ground. As a child we are told to “Get Real’ and avoid too much fantasy after around 3rd grade. We gradually tune out the psychic and paranormal. I bet you have learned to work or do something and tune out background noises where you are not even conscious of that loud music or street construction going on outside your window.

Most of us have to retrain ourselves to hear and sense the paranormal energies and listen to our intuition.

Three times in my life I had a strong foreboding, a hunch, a warning, a flash in my head about some bad thing I should avoid. Each time I shook it off as nonsense. I don’t any more because each one came true exactly as my intuition told me; a car wreck, a later illness I ignored until too late; and a dangerous life threatening altercation. All could have been avoided if I has listened to my intuition.

Becoming Sensitive Again

The first step to learning Magic and Psychic Skills is to become sensitive to energy again. You don’t have to look far.

Have you ever been in a room of people and had the sudden feeling someone was watching you? You looked around, and sure enough someone was starting at you! That was your inner psychic ability (intuition) at work. Most of us have experienced Déjà vu.. That feeling we have been there before, or had unusually real dreams. Most of us are trained from childhood to shrug them off as nonsense. Now you must learn to embrace them.

Until now you experienced things unpredictably. Now you must train yourself to turn on your abilities at will, like checking your cell phone for messages.

Begin with learning to Meditate

Our minds are busy things and they are never still and thought processes continue even when we are sleeping. It is called “Unconscious Cerebration” and sleep learning depends on it. In college some students, myself included, placed small speakers under our pillow and played a recording of exam questions and answers. Sure enough the messages flashed back in our head when we read the exam question next day.

But this busy mind is also a curse. It is like the noise of a loud TV or Jackhammer and drowns out your weaker untrained psychic awareness. We need to train ourselves to turn off our thoughts to hear our intuition. It is difficult at first! To help you learn I will teach you a crutch. Later you wont need it. You will gain the ability to turn off your thoughts and blank your mind at will and then focus on a single thought. That is meditation. If accompanied by images, that is visualization. Visualization is a powerful part of doing Real Magick.

First Experiment with The Crutch

Your crutch is a simple image of a black dot. You can use a dark thumbtack in the wall at eye level, or make a black dot with a marker on a sticky paper and put it on the wall at eye level when you are seated.

Sit quietly and take a deep breath. Breathe in through your nose and out slowly through your mouth. Do this two or three times. Stare at the dot. Now think in your mind… DOT.. DOT…DOT..DOT.. Think this several times then suddenly STOP!

WOW! Hundreds of thoughts rush back into your mind.. Things you should be doing, stuff you need at the store.. Many thoughts OMG LOL

TRY AGAIN… Think again in your mind… DOT.. DOT…DOT..DOT.. Think this several times then suddenly STOP again and try to hold your mind blank longer. Gradually you will be able to hold the blank mind longer each time. Eventually you can turn off your thoughts at will and hear your intuition.

It took me a long time to develop this skill. Your mind is always busy and resists being still. It took me many weeks to perfect doing this. But as I was progressing my psychic awareness became stronger. Now in a room when sensing someone starting at me.. I could blank my mind and eventually even see an image of them.. Look around and identify them. I could sense their intentions whether friendly unfriendly or merely curious or benign. Later in that Playful Psychic course by Skywind (link in the last post), you will learn to raise shields and block their influence on you.

Second Experiment.. Feel The Force young Jedi

The Chinese call this energy CHI or QI and learning to sense it and feel it is part of most martial arts. Healing with it is part of the Chinese art called QI Gong.

Feeling the force is slightly different and you don’t need the DOT to help you. This time close your eyes. Stretch your hands out straight in front of you. Close your eyes and bring your hands slowly together. You will feel a heat, or tingling, or like magnets pushing. Open your eyes and look your hands will usually be slightly apart from half an inch to two inches. You have felt the force of your CHI. Your psychic force.

This CHI or psychic energy enters your body mostly through your head and radiates out of your limbs. You can direct it through your hands or out of your feet to “ground yourself. This is another Psychic skill you will learn next time.

Practical Assignment

Practice blanking your mind often. Use the DOT Crutch until you no longer need it..

Practice feeling your Chi energy with eyes closed.

Next time I will teach you how to draw energy into yourself and send it out to do things. You can see the results when properly done.. It is not imaginary. Sit in a restaurant like McDonalds and change the mood of people at another table.. Make glum or sad people happy with your CHI. You can affect Pets too. Dogs and Cats are both very Psychic and some have learned to call them with their mind. Draw birds to you with practice

This is all Basic Energy Magic

I recommend that course Playful Psychic by Skywind that I mentioned in the last lesson; it covers what I am teaching you and more.. Here is the place where it is archived again.. You can view and save the 4 part series from the archive here...

See you next time.
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Re: Getting Started in Magick
Post # 4
Moving on With Energy Magick


Remember that Real Magick is all around you and also in you, Remember that we have been taught to ‘tune out’ the paranormal as nonsense ever since we were quite young and encouraged to be practical and only physical beings. We need to retrain ourselves to be sensitive to paranormal energies

In the first part of the last lesson you learned how to quiet your mind using the simple Crutch. Eventually you will be able to turn your active thoughts off and focus on doing the paranormal.

In the second part of the last lesson you learned how to feel the energy force within you. Don’t try to do feats with it yet. There are more steps to learn first

What You Can Achieve NOW

You are regaining lost sensitivity to the magickal and paranormal and you will start to notice an increase in;

Heightened Perception

You will become more aware of other energy beings around you and when their interest is directed toward you. Remember my previous story of knowing when someone is staring at you in a crowded room? You will not become telepathic and read minds but your perception of feelings and emotions around you will become gradually heightened. You will recognize moods and feelings and often will know when someone is telling the truth or lying. You will become more perceptive of other creatures and animals. In the movie Kung Fu the master tells the young student regarding CHI sensitivity; “You are aware of the loud things and moving things around you, but do you not sense the grasshopper at your feet?” Yes you may even be sensitive enough to perceive insects and fish.

Heightened Discernment

Okay you will begin to experience heightened perception the more you meditate, but what can you do about it, with what you know already? “Well being forewarned is being forearmed.” You will learn to recognize and trust your intuition to warn you of threats. Remember that person looking at you in the crowded room? Along with being aware you will be able to discern their intent. Are they stalking you? Do they have thoughts or intent of ill will toward you? Do they perhaps have a weapon? Your empathy may kick in and give you a Psychic flash.. Have they just done or planning to do something bad or dangerous? Regarding your pets.. Are they feeling ill and if so where and what is the cause? Is an animal about to attack you? Are you about to be bitten by a snake or a scorpion? You will understand intentions regarding people too. Later you will learn abilities to effect change in them.

Heightened Insight

You will start to have flashes of insight how to do things you have never studied or learned. Great artists and inventors often have this happen without their control. They may dream about something and upon waking build it make it or cook it. You may gain the ability to…

…Know things you could not know, do things you never could do, remember things you don’t recall ever learning, in crisis do something to solve the situation, or save your skin.

These Abilities do not come from Evil Spirits.. They lie within the untapped part of your brain you never use, that untapped 90%.


Continue with the meditation exercise until you perfect it without any crutch. In addition to your quiet place you must be able to change your mental state in a crowded room, a noisy subway, while driving or riding a bicycle, while swimming in the water. As you are more able to quiet your mind seek Perception, Discernment and Insight. They are there lying just under the surface in your subconscious and will pop up to the surface of your conscious thought.

Continue the exercise to feel your energy.. Gradually you will be able to sense your psychic energy growing stronger. Blank your mind and try your first exercise.. Imagine you are a magnet or a sponge and you are drawing psychic life energy (CHI or PRANA) into you. You will feel stronger and more energized, more alert like taking a “psychic 5 hour energy drink”. You can do this anytime to refresh and strengthen yourself.

Remember when meditating and doing these things to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth slowly and steadily.. Usually I do 1 second inhale and 1 second exhale… (One Mississippi.. Two Mississippi) but don’t spend time counting you will lose your focus.


Next you will learn to control and manipulate your energy. You will learn to send your energy to effect change. Remember my early experiment that had you change the mood of people seated around you in a restaurant? You will Learn to raise psychic Shields to block negative psychic energy of others from affecting your own psyche. Someone nearby radiating hatred can affect you and depress you. Emotions are contagious. You will Learn to Ground yourself to regain your own psychic equilibrium.. I call it psychic hemostasis.

I Recommend you download and save the entire Playful Psychic course from the archives compiled by Skywing in 1993

You can view and save the 4 part series from the archive here...

Don't Give Up!
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Re: Getting Started in Magick
Post # 5

Wiz, this is Pisces. I read your post regarding meditation and energy focus. I am having a hard time concentrating and I don't know what to do. I've been trying to practice tchakraand it turns out my concsicousness is everywhere! I space out many times. I guess I just get focused on my current issues so much it' s really difficult to concentrate on peace with myself (I'm bad about putting others before me). What should I do?

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Re: Getting Started in Magick
Post # 6

Trataka helps with focus.

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Re: Getting Started in Magick
Post # 7
Thank you for these posts. I needed a starting point. I’ve yet to figure out my spiritual gifts, but I think at base, I’m an empath. Particularly concerning death. I get a feeling of utter sorrow, grief, shock, waste and pain when I am near a death - even just driving past roadkill. I want to develop my inner tuition to know other people’s intentions so that I can protect myself. I’ve been bullied all of my 40-something years. Would be nice to know who to believe.
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Re: Getting Started in Magick
Post # 8
hello, i have mastered the basics like meditation, veporisation e.t.c and again i hav failed to achieve in magic am i missing something?
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Re: Getting Started in Magick
Post # 9

Grettah, I'm going to assume that you've only been at this for less than a few months? I don't think within that you've "mastered" the basics, I've been at this for years and I've found myself finding ways to improve theway I go about doing "the basics". Magic isn't instantaneous, you can't snap your fingers together and expect results, it just doesn't work like that, there are many variables at play when working with magic. Here are some of the things you need to consider when starting magic:

  • Am I in the right mind space for this spell?
  • Have I thoroughly thought out my expectations for this spell?
  • Is my spell actually within the realm of possibility?

You must understand that magic isn't going to achieve the impossible and magic isn't going to do everything for you, it'll help you if it can, but you have to do some work as well.

Here are some forum posts that I think you'd benefit from:

Visualization by: Lark -

The Basics: Expanded by: AwakeTooLong -

Troubleshooting Spells by: Weatherwax -

Pointers on Spells by: Weatherwax -

Beginner Spell Ideas by: Misanthropy -

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