Can't Hold Onto Energy

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Can't Hold Onto Energy
Post # 1
Hi everyone! This is my first post but I've used the recourses on this site for a while and love it! So I've been spellcasting for about three years now and will only tell you now that I can cast a spell; I've had a spiritual awakening that brought me through a lot of studying and learning and practicing. Before, I didn't really consider myself anything more than a student, though I would cast spells and had about a 95% success rate. I could sit down to do a spell and move my energy where I wanted it and it would manifest; no surprises here, but when I started meditating this year (I know) I found just how much more I could tap into and how powerful I can make it and how much further I can send it! I love meditating (but struggle with concentration in all areas) and I use it but the truth is I don't need it to get that energy flowing. I know I need to be in the right clear open head space, and I cannot change to and from that level on my own, but I would love to learn how. I can feel my energy when it's just me alone in a room or in nature, I can feel it exponentially when I have a candle to take it from, but here lately I've felt that I will have all I can hold in my hands (that's where I feel it radiate) but when I try to keep focusing on it and let it get stronger or work with my manifestion, before I can even cast it out it's just gone or it dies down. I don't even feel like I have an absurd amount, just a normal amount for spellcasting. Maybe my expectations around it are too high, but I do feel like I have a problem holding onto it. Any tips for holding onto all that energy?? Where does it go? Like if I have a lot and get distracted in meditating, like my mind slightly wanders, does all that energy pour into those dumb thoughts. Any insights on anything with harnessing and using energy would be greatly appreciated or energy excercises! Thanks!

Blessed be!
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Re: Can't Hold Onto Energy
By: / Novice
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from General Info.
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Re: Can't Hold Onto Energy
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Personally I find that the potency of the energy I tap into and channel isn't tied so much to the quantity, as it is to the quality. Each time I work to gather and focus energy, I try to feel out and connect to the most potent/highest vibration form I can.

Also, a few ideas to chew on;
-The body operates both physically and energetically to seek always a sense of balaned homeostasis. Exessive energy is released when not needed as a natural function.

-Catching a flying insect out of the air is difficult because the more quickly you move, the more forceful you are, the more your own actions create a disturbance in the air that buffets it out of the path of your grasp. But if you sit in stillness it will come and rest on your shoulder.

-Why try to carry an ocean within you, when all you need is a path for it to follow, and to allow the water to flow as is its nature?
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Re: Can't Hold Onto Energy
Post # 4
Thank you so much! This was very helpful and eloquently put!
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