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Post # 1
I'm just starting out on my journey again after a long break, and would love to try my hand at getting to know Odin better, but I'm a bit reluctant. I've heard he's difficult to get to know, and pretty severe at times. One person who has had experience with him told me he will do for you what is best, even if you don't want it, and will lie to get what he wants. NOT saying I believe that, it very well could be the way the situation was interpreted by that person. I was hoping from some insight into a relationship with Odin. Thank you!
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Re: Odin
Post # 2
Odin is the God of War. He is a restless wanderer, sorcerer and breaker of what all think to be rules and boundaries. He does these things not just because he can, but to implement necessary change when other ways will not work. He is a harsh and unforgiving leader. One should take account of that when approaching him. Historically, his offerings have been blood offerings although some will say that he will accept other things. His hall is Valhalla, the place of the battlefield fallen and his token animals are ravens and wolves, those that feed off of the dead on the battlefield. In my opinion, a sure way to gain his favor is to enlist in the military and prove yourself worthy in battle. For those that for reason cannot, the Runes are the next best way to connect with Odin. Galdr, runic writing, staves and bindrunes were given to us by Odin. It is my personal belief that The Allfather has a hand in all of these magickal workings. Use them liberally in practice but beware of asking for things other than guidance as it is said a gift begets another and we may not want to pay the price that Odin requires.
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Re: Odin
Post # 3

Getting to know Odin can be intimidating at first, just as it can be with any of the other gods, goddesses, and various other wights. But rest assured, it can be a very rewarding process, if you're willing to put in the work, time, and effort. I will say the first best step when getting to know Odin is to brush up on your myths and stories about him. This can give you a good feeling for the kind of being he is. How he acts, thinks, and speaks to others in his tales; how others approach and speak to him, would be great to figure what you should expect working with him.

Many people describe their relationship with Odin in many ways. Some say he is a studious mentor, like a teacher. Some say he is more like a grandfather, kind. While some others say he is vicious and harsh like a general. Not one of these is false, seeing as though he is a very interesting and complex god to work with.

After you've read up, you can try to make your first contact with him through offerings and ceremony. Whichever ceremony sounds right to you, go for it, as this is your journey afterall. Keep in mind; the Norse gods are all about self respect and want you to be proud in yourself and not belittle yourself in front of them. Do not speak to them as if you are lesser. but with respect and healthy reverence; come with a gift or offering. Remember, you're trying to establish a relationship of reciprocity, you can't expect to gain anything without giving anything (tip: most of the Norse gods love an offering of ale or mead). Make sure during the ceremony you have give yourself moments of silence to see if he is trying to impart anything to you. Don't be discouraged if he does not say anything the first few times, afterall he needs to be willing to speak with you as well.

As for actions and everyday activities to get closer to Odin, he is a very complex deities with a vast array of domains. Being a god of war, you could be a soldier. Being a god of the hunt you could go hunting. He is also a god of: poetry, knowledge, wisdom, magick and rune working. Any of these actions with conscious intention of trying to grow with Odin, will be noticed, and the feeling will grow likewise as he may wish to speak to you more. You just need to listen.

I hope this little long response was helpful.

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Re: Odin
Post # 4
Thank you!!!
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Re: Odin
Post # 5
Thank you, this is incredibly helpful! I appreciate your answer.
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Re: Odin
Post # 6
I worked with him recently involving a contractual obligation. I had no issue. At one time, I competed in martial arts and I still hunt and fish, may have been a little law enforcement mixed in there. I'm involved in agriculture, gardening and maple syrup season is about here. I'm involved with a law firm and very much like contractual obligation. How that may have influenced his assistance of me or my experience with him, I can not say. Perhaps each is different.
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