Honey jar

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Honey jar
Post # 1
I did a sugar water mixed with honey jar for my long distance girlfriend, who does not reply me. I wrote petition on a brown paper. But now I can see through the jar that petition paper is rotten inside the jar due to water may be. Is this a bad sign, should I do a new spell all along or it doesn't matter ??

Please reply I would be thankful to you
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Re: Honey jar
By: / Novice
Post # 2

In my view I would dispose of the jar and contents and start over.

Because honey jars or sweetening jars are such long term workings, they need to be done with something like: honey, molasses, agar agar, syrup or dry sugar to act as a preserving and sweetening agent. You shouldn't really be putting anything fresh into a honey jar, including water or fresh herbs that will cause the jar contents to go bad or rot over time.

Because sweetening jars are as they are named, to sweeten a working, you don't want anything moldy, rotten or degrading inside or it could degrade your working or your intention. They are part of a series of representational magick, where like attract like, if you want a sweeter, nicer outcome, you don't want rotten ingredients.

It's not necessarily a bad sign in the way of the outcome of the working, and more a bad sign for the creation of the jar and a sure thing that you need to start again.

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Re: Honey jar
Post # 3
In Hoodoo we also do Shaker jars which are composed of only dry ingredients. You can just add things like Sugar, Brown sugar, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Dragons Blood resin, Your petition & etc. This way you can keep it much longer than a Honey jar.
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