Demonic or angelic sealin

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Demonic or angelic sealin
Post # 1
Is it infact possible to seal a being within a part of your body via a permanent seal in that location. Ex I manage to summon forth/ conjure this being then say If there is in fact a way what could be the expected outcome. Would you be possessed or would you possess the being. Does boil down to who's will is stronger. And what could be of possible gains from this. Knowledge, strength or a curse.
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Re: Demonic or angelic sealin
Post # 2

I honestly don't know about partial possessionbut I doubt only a portion of your body can be possessed although it is possible to be driven mad or have your left and right lobe separated to where it may seem as though only a part of you is possessed. Will power is more like the door. Once it isin, it isin. Most of the time the possessed won't even realize it, onlyexperiencing loss of time periodically. There's only threereasons why I think superior being would possess a mortal body, to punish,to use that person's position to influence another person or event, or possibly some kind of feeding weatherphysically, emotional, or spiritual.

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Re: Demonic or angelic sealin
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
I have never heard of such a thing being possible. I suspect that if it were down the effects would be disastrous for the person that did it. I would think the only thing gained from such an experiment would be insanity.
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Re: Demonic or angelic sealin
Post # 4

My experience with possession is during ritual I invoke the primordial goddess for personal reasons. My mind went into a different direction if is like sitting in the back seat of a car while the other is driving. Didn't have ability to move my body yet I seen everything happen. Best to get to know what you are getting into and have relations before the invocation. Yes you will gain knowledge from what you are seeking and actually asking for in first place. Not wise to fight it but just let it happen. As this happens more and more can have poltergeist activity and the entity you invoke stays bound to you and can be called anytime at will.

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