BoS Protection Spells

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BoS Protection Spells
Post # 1
So, I just started my book of shadows and my sister ripped off the front cover of it because she likes to tear things up. People think it's my dairy but either way I need a way to keep these peeping eyes out! My parents aren't that supportive of my journey and I need help to keep it from them so my parents don't look into and call it fake and check my computer! Anyone have any spells I can use to help? If so thank you so much and can you tell me about them?
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Re: BoS Protection Spells
Post # 2
Found this spell. Claims to protect your item of choice from people and evil spirits

)0( Blessed Be
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Re: BoS Protection Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 3

Honestly, it sounds less like you need a spell and more like you need to employ mundane means.

You can use a regular notebook for a book of shadows, people notice them much less than an "official" looking book.
Finding a good place to put it is also your best bet, if you have a bookshelf, slotting a notebook among other books is another good way to keep it out of prying eyes.

On high shelves away from siblings could be good too.

In terms of magick, no spell is going to be able to protect your book from being viewed entirely, you could look into "invisibility" spells, these won't make the book actually invisible but may make it less obvious to those looking around your room. Generally though, the best ways to keep your book private, is to use mundane means as best you can.

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