Money spells

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Money spells
Post # 1
Hi! So I'm in a situation where I'm doing some energy work & healing & working on my life purpose... I'm super short on money & need to come up with a least $2500 asap... As I'm doing my healing & clearing out blocks it's bringing up issues with people from my past... I really need some peace of mind as I do this. Does anyone know of a really good fast working money spell?
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Re: Money spells
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
$2500 is quite a large sum of money to just pop out of nowhere. My experience with money spells is positive, but only if the amount you want to receive is reasonable. I asked for £100 and ended up with almost £200 within 2 weeks. I don't do money spells often though, since they have have the potential to be used out of pure greed over anything else.

If you have good and pure intentions, a prosperity cheque should work for you. Try reading this article:

It worked for me. Don't expect to receive the money the next day though.

If you need peace of mind for your work, just try to forget about the things worrying you and focus on positive things. Meditation is a good way to block things out to focus on what you need.

Remember that the universe gives back to you what you put out to the universe. This can be achieved through positive thoughts and affirmations. And, if it's money you need, try giving some money away to good causes like charities, and you may receive what you need in return. :)
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Re: Money spells
Post # 3

I've used the Necronomicon the book of 50 names of Marduk for gaining money since I needed to pay bills and get through a situation. I used the name Ziku number 13 did the steps of the ritual and put my intent of what I wanted. days later I gotten 2400. I really didn't need to give nothing back or anything.

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Re: Money spells
By: / Beginner
Post # 4


Memories and thoughts can stop one from practicing magick. Clearing these memories is a whole another matter and probably will never go away even if you do find a quick money spell.

However, I've made a money spell on my own from my own Grimoire. I'll paste it for you but I ask to everyone to not copy my spell and add it to the spells.

Wealth Spell - Moderate Difficulty

This spell will not make money fall from the sky, it will merely make money availability appear more in your life. Close your eyes. Gather all your thoughts on why you need money. Imagine the feeling you get when you have money, and what you would do with it. Transform these thoughts into energy, and transpire it into the sky. Let it pierce the skies and into the universe and say: I want more money Im considered poor, let money walk through my door. Money will appear more often in your life and with effort it requires yourself to make you rich. However magick alone will never make you rich.

Tell me if it works or if you need any additional help. Blessed be.

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Re: Money spells
Post # 5
Tesela dear i tried it now and if it will work and i got the money I'll tell you!
Thank you for your help
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Re: Money spells
By: / Beginner
Post # 6

You're welcome. I'll be tickled impressed if it actually works for other people.

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