Magic and religion

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Magic and religion
Post # 1
Magick and Religion

If, like me, you grew up in an organized religion, you were probably taught that anything outside what your religion endorsed was probably wrong. Conservative religions even deny much of modern science, maintaining a belief that the earth was created by God in six twenty four hour days around 5000 BC and that dinosaurs and archeological discoveries are at best a lie.

So if, like me, you also had some kind of paranormal experience you were probably thrown into some kind of inner conflict and you either sorted it out or didn’t and remained with inner feelings of guilt. So lets start at the beginning.

There are three kinds or types of magic

To avoid confusion followers later created two distinct spellings, Magic and Magick

1. Magic, generally refers to magic tricks or stage magic and illusion for entertainment purposes.

2. Magick is used to differentiate that which is Real and Paranormal. It exists as energy which can be manipulated so long as it is in accordance with Physical or Metaphysical Laws. Aleister Crowley first used the spelling as a term to show and differentiate his practice of the occult from performance magic and is defined as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will", including both "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic.

Of course we now know it is a form of energy and can work apart from the Occult or any other Religious Beliefs.

3. Magick can also be Supernatural and the effect of actual and real noncorporeal entities like evil spirits, demons, fallen angels and beings conjured with their help. The origin of the term Sorcery was that power to perform Magick by channeling dark forces through the human agent from a source of a dark energy being.

The Three Main Monotheistic Religions

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam generally don’t have much problem with stage magic tricks and illusions. The Arabs in fact became quite adept at this. These three, among their more liberal sects, also realize that many gifted people are born with abilities above the normal of everyone else. Great painters, artists, musicians and prodigies were always respected and sought out by the church for their abilities. Others like Nostradamus were respected seers of future events.

However Magick of the Supernatural and involvement with dark forces like fallen angels, demons and Jinn were strictly forbidden upon penalty of death, to the present day in some places..

The Pantheistic Religions and Paganism

Outside the Three major Monotheistic Religions, a multitude of other Gods, Goddeses and beings are consulted and believed in.

My Personal Crisis

I was raised in Orthodox Christianity and was taught that that the supernatural does exist and happens to us in the form of dreams and visions and miracles and sometimes divine healing, but only through gifted people in the church.

I had several personal experiences with the paranormal while growing up that did not fit with what the church was saying. I knew they were real experiences because things physically happened and dreams which I had came true, which I dismissed as nonsense to my misfortune when they actually happened. I could have avoided the bad circumstances had I given heed to them..

I went through a period of trying to find myself and it was complicated because some things were controversial and even disagreed with my family religious beliefs. I finally realized some things were a matter of semantics, or terminology and exist across religious boundaries. Real magick is mostly energy and based on laws of Physics or Metaphysics. People thought gravity was magic until physics was able to explain that law.

Real magic is defined as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will", including both "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic.

So when we do anything conforming to the laws of physics (mundane or natural) we are also working with and performing magic. Skiing, Surfing, Skating, and riding a bicycle are all feats of magic. Now Magic also deals with Metaphysics.. or higher physics. This is the invisible, intangible, and ethereal. here are realms of the afterlife, other dimensions, the astral planes (the supernatural). Metaphysical laws exist independent of religion just as physical laws do.

People are born with 'natural talents' or abilities to work with both physical and metaphysical laws. It is said that man uses approximately 10% of his brain. Abilities above average are labeled Psychic abilities and there is a long list of these starting with ESP. You mentioned one of them. An Empath is someone who can feel the emotions of others and experience what they feel. The share feelings but they do not read minds. That is called telepathy.

You do not need to renounce Judaism, Christianity or Islam because you have a psychic gift. You can embrace your natural gifts and abilities as not conflicting with Monotheistic Religious Beliefs as long as they do not include interaction with dark supernatural forces of Magick Type Three. In fact nine supernatural abilities are mentioned in the Holy Bible book of First Corinthians as being acceptable for members of the Christian Church.

In other Religions you may follow the precepts of that particular religion according to your own conscience.

Skywind in her Psychic course of 1993 entitled “The Playful Psychic” discusses the conflict of Psychic abilities with Religion. Here is a short excerpt..



Psychic experiences may shake up your religious beliefs. They give you a new perspective on the world. Much more is possible than you may have previously believed. Religious beliefs will influence your skill development. If you believe most of the skills are evil or wrong, you generally won't want to learn them, or may have trouble with them. It's important to recognize what your beliefs are related to the topics in the worksheet below.


Preparation Worksheet: Religion and Beliefs
Are psychic abilities are related to religion or spirituality?
Are the ethics an important topic to you?
Is your religion's view of psy important to you?

What is your religion's view on psychic abilities?
They don't exist.
They exist, but only special religious officials have them.
They're evil/satanic/demonic/dangerous.
Neutral - it doesn't say anything about them.
They exist in some special people.
They exist in everyone.
Everyone can and should develop them.

Read the whole lesson found here.. The above section is under Fear and Belief……

Where I am At..

Because of my Orthodox beliefs I am comfortable with the first two classes of magic and energy and the paranormal that exists in Alternative Medicine and Healing.

You can evoke change through Psychic and Paranormal skills using basic ritual and techniques to focus your abilities without transgressing Orthodox Religious Beliefs. I practice Alchemy, Herbalism, Homeopathy and Energy Healing techniques in Alternative Medicine. I sometimes employ rituals but do not really cast spells or delve into dark spiritual forces..

Remember the Physical Law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and the Metaphysical Law that what goes out comes back times three are very real effects which may affect your life and karma.

Don’t be afraid to try and develop your natural Psychic Abilities to gain Heightened Perception, Heightened Discernment and Heightened Insight. See my post about this topic under Beginning Magic.

Good Luck! Have Fun!
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Re: Magic and religion
Post # 2
Magick and Religion: My Preference

Magic or Magick are simply words or terms which describe the action of energy around and through us. It exists as natural 'Physics' and the Paranormal (still natural) and the Supernatural 'Metaphysics'. Action and Reaction are both Physical and Metaphysical Laws. They apply to all religions or no religion at all. The complete Atheist is still subject to Physical and Metaphysical Laws.

I PREFER to deal with this subject apart from any Religious connection, although some religions embrace magic as part of their belief. I try to not use terms or words that seem to connect with any belief system. For example 'witch' or 'witchcraft' usually infers a connection with 'Wicca' which is a belief system, tho it is not necessarily the intent.

I am convinced that some things we presently call 'magic' are actually 'as yet undiscovered physics'. Remember Gravity, Fire, lenses and most medicine was once considered to be magic.

Don't be afraid to try and develop your natural Psychic Abilities to gain Heightened Perception, Heightened Discernment and Heightened Insight. See my post about this topic under Beginning Magic.

Good Luck! Have Fun!

Read my above post to get more about this topic.
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Re: Magic and religion
Post # 3
Magick In Religion… Candle Magic?

As different Religions developed over time, more ancient ideas of magic infiltrated that present religion’s practice. Prayer Wheels, Prayer Flags, Prayer Candles, and Petitions are the four I will mention here that originated from Magic.

I grew up in Orthodox Christianity which denounced magical practices and until I was older and better informed, I never knew that pagan magic practices were still observed in the church.

Everyone has done Candle magic Before!

What is the origin of birthday candles?

It is said that the custom of placing candles on a birthday was started by early Greeks who used to place candles on the cake that they offered to Artemis - the Goddess of Moon. Lit candles made their round shape cake glow like the moon. Germans, who perfected themselves in the art of candle-making placed candles on the cake but for religious reasons. They used to place a big candle in the centre of the cake to represent 'light of life'. The candle is marked with lines and numbers, usually 12, which would be burned every year. Scholars also say that the custom of placing candles originated because people believed that Gods lived in the skies. They thought that lit candle helped to send signals and prayers to the god so that they could be answered more effectively. The other belief that people held was when a person makes a wish while blowing out the votive candle a signal or message was received by the god and the prayers would be answered

A great many of the early Christians were Greeks and they brought candle magic into the church. Instead of lighting candles to Artemis, they lit them to the Virgin Mary or to Jesus, believing their message was received by the new god and the prayers would be answered. I was also taught as a child that the votive candle continued to pray on my behalf until it burned out.

In a few churches where the lighting of candles faced objection, the reason was changed to say that they represented “Burnt Offerings”, something common to both Jewish and Christian Scriptures.

What are Petitions?

These are written Prayers on scraps of paper. They are read aloud and tossed into the fire and burned. The prayers are supposed to go up to God in the smoke, since the Scriptures mentions smoke of offerings ascending up to God. The practice originated in Pagan Worship Rituals.

Some churches placed a “Petition Box” on the alter of the church and people would insert their paper prayer requests. The Priest or Minister would place his hand on it and bless it during services. On December 31, the last night of the year, at exactly midnight, believed by many to be the exact moment of the nativity, the box of Petitions would be burned.

Prayer Wheels

People observed a wheel or ring has no beginning or end and messages were often inscribed in wedding rings. Inscribing “Forever Faithful” would insure the wearer would be exactly that. The practice infiltrated other religions and prayers or desires were inscribed on wheels or cylinders and turned to send the messages forth. Prayer wheels are more common in Buddhist Temples, but have appeared in some Christian Churches and are mentioned in at least one or more Christian Hymns.

Prayer Flags

Prayer flags are common in a number of religions, but most common among Buddhists. One takes a cloth like a handkerchief and writes their Petition on it as they do a scrap of paper. Instead of burning, it is placed in the wind so that the air will carry the message to heaven. A few Christians have been observed to use Prayer Wheels and Prayer Flags.

Sigil (magick)

In medieval ceremonial magic, the term sigil was commonly used to refer to occult signs which represented various angels and demons which the magician might summon. It spread into medieval Christianity and Churches and homes employed graphic designs to ward off evil. It continues today among some Christians of the Pennsylvania Dutch as "Hex Signs" painted on barns to ward off evil, But mainly, we think they are symbols of good luck or good fortune. There is present articles which try to remove the HEX status of the name and reduce them to decorations. Examining a Hex sign will reveal it has religious symbols and numerology to make it have spiritual value and effect. The cross, The Fish (IXTHYS), Circle, Triangle, and Wreath are all Christian accepted Sigils.


Burning Fire or Candles to perform Ritual Magic actually predates the ancient Greeks and may go back as far as early man.

If you have made a wish and blown out a birthday candle, you have done Candle Magic! Candle Magic is very effective and works, as long as the person wishing is in agreement with Physical or Metaphysical Laws.. I knew a little girl who at every birthday wished to become a horse. It never happened. You cannot change your shape, weight or sex with candle magic. It conflicts with physical laws. Greedy or Selfish wishes often conflict with Metaphysical Laws… and what you send out returns to you times three.

Whether you light a candle and voice a desire in a Church or at your kitchen table, the process (ritual) really works!

You will read articles which say use different colored candles for different things or ‘dress’ the candles by coating them with oil or other substances. Personally I have had good results with Basic Candle Magic.

Choose Your Candle

Any candle will work in a pinch. You can blow it out to complete your spell or let it burn itself out. I prefer the latter as is done with Church Votive Candles, so I select a small candle so the ritual will finish in a reasonable time.

I like Birthday Candles. The box always used to say burns 5 minutes but I recently watched a test that shows they actually burn 14-15 minutes. This is a good time for a ritual. The smooth candle has more wax than the twisted (spiral) candle and is the one I use. Here is the video test of burning time.

How To Do a Simple Candle Magic Spell.

1. Select your candle and stick it to a small glass dish (not plastic which will burn). Heat the bottom of the candle with a lighter and it will stick upright on a plate and burn completely. (Birthday Candles are available in colors if you want to try that method) nI use a white candle.

2. Write out your desire or wish on a scrap of paper.

3. Light the candle and read your wish aloud.

4. I let my candle burn itself out, but you may blow it out like a birthday candle if you are in a hurry. I think it is more effective if I let it burn itself out.

For Added Power (A double Whammy)

5. As the candle starts to burn out you can light the paper petition from the candle and burn it as well according to the description in the text above, and toss it on the candle on the plate where it will burn safely in just a few seconds

Good Luck
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