New magick idea

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Re: New magick idea
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
Thanks everyone for the advice and discussion. I've taken everything into consideration and I've decided to continue what I am doing and include my God more in my workings. I've read Aleister Crowley's teachings before and it is confusing I kinda just dismissed it after that because it wasn't something that intrigued me too much. I'll definitely research on the Kabbalah and Garden books.

I appreciate everything. Blessed be.
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Re: New magick idea
By: / Beginner
Post # 12
I added everyone that was helpful as a friend because why not.
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Re: New magick idea
Post # 13
I haven't read anything by Aleister Crowley but now I'm curious, so I will and thank you for that. What I was referring to is Enoch 8.3 Amezarak taught all those who cast spells and cut roots, Armaros the release of spells, and Baraqiel astrologers, and Kokabiel portents, and Tamiel taught astrology, and Asradel taught the path of the Moon. 9.6 See then what Azazel has done; how he has taught all iniquity on the earth and revealed the eternal secrets that are made in Heaven. That was the Christian side of it the science side is a bit more confusing as it deals with how they've proven matter reacting differently when observed do to your brain waves ( quantum science ). So with that said one could Think of candles, stones, etc. as tools to help train/fine-tune the energy or waves in order to achieve expected results. this isn't my believe but it was interesting when I read it I hope it doesn't offend anyone. I did try and stay it discreetly.
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Re: New magick idea
By: / Beginner
Post # 14
I like that actually. Thanks a lot.
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Re: New magick idea
Post # 15
There may be nothing new in our universe..many experienced and enlightened witches (whether they are christian,wiccan,satanic or luciferian witches) know that magick can be done without any occult items such as candles,dolls,oils,crystals etc magick can be done by using the mind alone though this takes a certain amount of experience.however the point of using crystals,candles,images,colours,dolls etc is based on the occult-scientific fact that all things posses energy and that the energy in these witchcraft tools can be used and manipulated (during ritual) to bring about the desired occurence in accordance with the will of the witch or magician.another scientific fact that is well known is that tools,images,crystals,dolls etc aids the will/mind in focusing,visualization or imagination which are all essential in magick...if you can,imagine the candles,images of jesus,saints or angels and christian symbols placed in a cathedral,imagine the priestly garments,incense burning before the altar in the church and the cathedral,imagine the joyous singing of the catherdral in the presence of the beautiful candles,incense,christian images etc all who have had an opportunity to have a physical experience in a cathedral or church in which nice colourful candles,incense,christian symbols and colour priestly garments,a colourful singing group in a uniform clothing are present know there is a certain psychic atmosphere created and the presence of an invisible power can often be felt.these same principles apply everywhere,when you go to buddhist temples in tibet,india,china etc you will find similar occult items in use such as colourful candles,nice incense,buddhist images and colours,priestly garments etc most westeners who have travelled to the eastern world and enter a buddhist temple have often felt a certain peaceful and spiritual atmosphere around the buddhist temples and statues,even in hinduism the same principles apply.thus candles and other religious/occult items are used in all religions depending the ceremony being and not just in paganism but in christianity,islam etc of course most protestant movements have lost the meaning and use of their origins but they still retain certain symbols or ceremonies that were used by the founding fathers of christianity...for the same reasons we pagans use candles,crystals,incense,images,statues or dolls and symbols (depending on our path,deities,occult or scientific teachings) because they assist our minds in many ways,they create an atmosphere that is right for a specific ritual or spell and above all they help bring a desired force,spirit or a "God" in our working area...and concerning GOD,many esoteric teachings of various religions including christianity deny the existence of an entity called "GOD",esoterically the term "GOD" is used to refer to a supreme,unintelligent force that is universal and present everywhere and in everything and in everyman..thus the buddhists and many other enlightened men deny the existence of a being called "GOD" or rather an anthropomophic "GOD" according to some exoteric teachings of certain paths such as islam or can never be denied by a true witch or occultist that many non human entities such as spirits,deities,demons etc are real it is also a scientific fact that there can be other entities more or less advanced in intellect somewhere in our universe as recent discoveries in science suggest that there is a high probability of existence of beings called "aliens" but it can never be proven in any sensible way that an entity called "a creator GOD" exist either scientificaly or even opinion is that a being called a supreme GOD does never exist all i know is a universal,unrelated and impersonal supreme spirit that is in all things and simply the universe itself,which was never created as a witch i believe in the existence of of deities,spirits etc and also the existence of entities called aliens in our universe or even on our planet based on scientific and occult facts...sorry for the long post. BB
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Re: New magick idea
By: / Beginner
Post # 16

Well. That sums it up quite nicely.

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Re: New magick idea
Post # 17
You are not alone because many from traditional religions have some conflicting issues.

Sometimes the controversy arises over semantics and terminology. Real magic is energy based and not subject to any religion, tho some religions include magic. In Christianity they are called Spiritual Gifts not magic or sorcery which are forbidden. The Holy Bible Book of First Corinthians mentions nine supernatural gifts or abilities which may be manifested by members of the Christian church. The best known is Healing, but there are eight others.

Very conservative denominations prohibit even natural psychic abilities like intuition. Fortunately there are many tolerant and understanding Christian denominations.

Energy is all around us and also in us. CHI, QI, Prana, Life Force, Vital Energy and Vitalism are all terms used to describe that energy working through and in people. people who have Psychic Skills manipulate that energy through the exercising of their gift. This may be apart from any belief in Spirits, Gods, Angels, Demons or the Deceased. One can work with energy without combining it with the supernatural.

feel free to read my profile and consulkt kmybposts in Spell Binders Forum about some of these topics.

Hope that helps.
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Re: New magick idea
By: / Beginner
Post # 18

Actually the thing that got me curious about magic was when I read in an encyclopediathat said the first saints used white magic and I was like "whoa what?" and found SoM at age 13.

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Re: New magick idea
Post # 19
Energetism actually isn't a new magical idea; on the contrary it has been practised in some form for many years. The blending of it with Christianity is interesting and could work even if you are abiding by all of the traditional rules of your faith. This, of course, is assuming that you are only connected to the Christian god because otherwise you'd be breaking one of the ten commandments (I'm pretty sure; I'm an ex Catholic turned atheist so forgive me if I am incorrect in some aspects of theology) which are generally viewed as what sends one to hell. Although you prefer working almost exclusively with your energy, over time that can be draining and, while one's energy does restore itself, it is taking on the energy and your aura to go exclusively with energy work. I would recommend channeling energy through crystals and charging them with your intent. Obviously, this would be with Crystals of the properties that you are attempting to use in the spell. Furthermore, I would advise the same of candle work and if you are going to go down that route then you should also work with sigils and charge them with your energy as well. Best of luck regardless.
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