Pagen quinceañera

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Pagen quincea?era
Post # 1
I’ve did it!! I came up with a way to celebrate a pagen quinceañera. I figured it out using scientific method. Let’s start with our question. What does a pagen quinceañera look like? Then I did some research on a normal pagen mass. Because church doesn’t suit me. But do whatever suits you best. In my research it told me something about a holy communion and a conservation. I looked them up and got a result in definition that communion: the sharing or exchanging of intamate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is a mental or spiritual level. Consecrate: Make or declare. Pagen communion: Taking all childish mistakes and speaking your mistakes, regrets, and with holds to speak them to the cosmos. Then take sage and cleanse the soul and the next part is where the consecration comes in. I will declare myself cleansed and make my way to an alter full of Freya like things such as Rose quarts, rose water, apples, mint, anything that represents the goddess Freya. The alter will also have candles in color of white, black, orange, purple, pink, green, and red. On the alter you will set roses for Freya and also on the alter will be the gift. Gladly accept the gift. Then your community and You will thank the gods. After thanking the gods you will promise to honor yourself and your religion,
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